Mnemonic: Our City Is Kept Safe And Sound From Malice
Explore more Kreb’s cycle (Citric Acid Cycle) : MnemonicGeneral concepts
Understanding and Interpreting a Tympanogram
Relevant terms and definitions: 1. Tympanogram: plots compliance changes of the Tympanic Membrane (TM) versus air pressure in the EAC Y-axis shows pressure gradient and X-axis shows…
Explore more Understanding and Interpreting a TympanogramThe Continuum: SIRS, Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock
SIRS criteria are mostly used as a screening tool to identify patients that may need further workup for sepsis and severe sepsis. In the emergency…
Explore more The Continuum: SIRS, Severe Sepsis and Septic ShockMendelian Inheritance : Basis of Genetics
Some important terminologies Gene: a functional part of the DNA molecule of a chromosome which directs the synthesis of a specific polypeptide chain. Allele (allelomorph):…
Explore more Mendelian Inheritance : Basis of GeneticsCephalosporin Pharmacology – Mnemonics
Cephalosporins are one of the most widely prescribed antimicrobial drugs. They can be classified into 5 to generations and the medical students often have hard…
Explore more Cephalosporin Pharmacology – Mnemonics