Epomedicine is the amalgamation between medical journals and medical blogs that is committed to deliver concise, to the point, reliable and referenced knowledge with mnemonics, flowcharts, tables and bullets.

Since its inception in 2013, the Epomedicine team has grown steadily. We are always looking for enthusiastic people to join us and be part of this medical education project which will help your juniors and peers.

Ask Epomedicine is a unique platform to ask academic questions related to MBBS, USMLE, PLAB, PGEE, MD/MS and share quality answers.

As of October 2022, Pedchrome has been merged into Epomedicine.

epomedicine network

Meet the Epomedicine team.

Reviews for Epomedicine 💬

61.5% of the responders had heard about Epomedicine through the Google search engine and have scored Epomedicine an average of 8.71 out of 10. Let’s hear from the readers about how Epomedicine has helped them and their suggestions to us:

✪ It makes learning a lot easier.

✪ It frequently helps me with teaching my students.

✪ It is helpful in reviewing the basics.

✪ It is simplifying my preparation but the mnemonics are not there for many topics. If there would be mnemonics for more topics, it would be excellent.

✪ It has helped me in developing my writing and presenting skills.

✪ I would like to have a catalog of topics presented till now. They are very useful.

✪ I used its mnemonics very often and it’s helped me as a doctor in UK. Thanks guys really appreciate. Wonderful things comes out from that little country of Nepal 🇳🇵. Love you guys.

✪ There are some very helpful mnemonics to combat hard topics. It would be much more helpful if free question banks (of every subject) are made and provided for all years of MBBS.

✪ I honestly regret not being able to come across Epomedicine before. I thank you all for the entire work you guys have done to simplify things for every med student. Especially for someone like me who has a hard time cramming stuff.

✪ It is a good tool for helping my students organize the content they have to learn.

✪ You guys helped me and many others in a disadvantaged educational setting as the North West Province of South Africa. We thank you for your work. I hope you carry on helping us in our Continuing Medical Education. Thank you so much for useful share.

✪ I have been posting my articles on Epomedicine since 2017 and have been added to the contributing authors list in 2019. I’m thankful to the team of Epomedicine for providing me an opportunity to put forward my ability to write though I am a just a medical student. The team always welcomes all my work with warmth and my edits also. For me it has been a new and a very interesting experience working working with Epomedicine. Content from my side is being regularly prepared, though I write slow. Wishing more success to Epomedicine.

✪ Great content and understandable. Wish to see list of headings than previews of each ,felt time consuming searching flipping to next pages again and again.

✪ Great resource, solid up to date information. Review, review, review! Thank you.

Honorable Mentions 🎖️

We have been around there for a while now. We are honored to be deemed as useful and mentioned in the following resources:

The Journal of Family Practice

“There are hundreds of mnemonics related to medical practice. Collections of those that might be useful for family practitioners and medical residents can be found at the following links: https://epomedicine.com/medicalmnemonics/”

Differential Diagnosis in Pediatrics (Including Color Atlas) 6th Edition By Suraj Gupte

Further reading section of Chapter 20 – Edema

AIMST-OSCE-Series Clinical-Skill-8-Oedema

“Epomedicine. Edema – Physical Examination (a Web-resource). Epomedicine; 2013. Available from: https://epomedicine.com/clinical-medicine/physical-examination-edema/ {A must-study learning resource for the postgraduates}”

RCEM Learning

Acute Stridor Module – Comparison between Croup, Epiglottitis and Tracheitis

The Bumbling Biochemist

“Immunology’s not my field of expertise, but if you want more info, I found this great blog post: https://epomedicine.com/medical-students/vdj-somatic-recombination-made-easy/


Screw Home Mechanism of the Knee Joint

Outlander Anatomy

“Medical students have difficulty memorizing liver segments, but this fist mnemonic offers a useful visual. Note that the thumbnail (seen in ghost) represents the deep-lying, segment I”

Stoelting’s Pharmacology and Physiology in Anesthetic Practive (South Asian Edition)

References to the new content added in SAE: Epomedicine. Priming, precurarization and self taming[internet]

The Web Impact Factor 🔗

Google results:

  1. Total clicks: 668K per year
  2. Total impressions: 63.3 millions per year
  3. Average CTR: 1.1%
  4. Average position: 7.8
DA: Domain Authority; PA: Page Authority; TB: Total Backlinks; QB: Quality Backlinks; PQ: Percentage of Quality Backlinks; MT: Moz Trust score (0-10); SS: Spam Score; OS: Off page SEO score; MR: Moz Rank; TF: Trust Flow; CF: Citation Flow

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