Stage GFR criteria Urine output criteria Mnemonic 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3 1. Risk Cr ↑ 1.5-2 XGFR ↓ 25-50% (>1/4) <0.5 ml/kg/hr…
Explore more AKI RIFLE Criteria MnemonicCategory: PGMEE, MRCS, USMLE, MBBS, MD/MS
Medical knowledge in bullet points with understandable language, simplified images and graspable mnemonics.
Anatomy of Physis (Growth Plate)
Periphery of physis: The physis is connected to the epiphysis and metaphysis peripherally via: Blood supply of physis: There are three sources of blood supply to the…
Explore more Anatomy of Physis (Growth Plate)Wolff’s law and Hueter-Volkmann law
Bone remodeling involves the removal of mineralized bone by osteoclasts followed by the formation of bone matrix through the osteoblasts that subsequently become mineralized. There…
Explore more Wolff’s law and Hueter-Volkmann lawEponyms in Tuberculosis (TB)
Tuberculosis (TB) is a multi-systemic, granulomatous disease caused by the bacilli Mycobacterium tuberculosis which is also known as Koch’s bacillus. Primary Pulmonary Tuberculosis 1. Ghon…
Explore more Eponyms in Tuberculosis (TB)Surgical Site Infection Risk Factors : Mnemonic
Various types of surgical site infection (SSI) have been defined by CDC. Patient related factors Mnemonic: WASHING 1. Weight: Obesity (>20% of ideal body weight)…
Explore more Surgical Site Infection Risk Factors : MnemonicMetaphyseal lesions : Differential Diagnoses
Lesions Age Demographics Site Presentation Imaging Treatment Comments Acute Osteomyelitis Bimodal (<2 years and 8-12 years) M:F = 2:1 Distal femur, Proximal tibia Pain, refusal…
Explore more Metaphyseal lesions : Differential DiagnosesPatau Syndrome : Mnemonic
Chromosomal abnormality Count the letters in “Patau Syndrome”. There are 13 letters. Patau syndrome is Trisomy 13. Clinical features Mnemonic: PATAU
Explore more Patau Syndrome : MnemonicAvascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis) of Various Bones : Stages and Management
Propensity Stages and Management Stages Hip (modified Ficat-Arlet) Shoulder (Cruess) Lunate (Lichtman) Knee (Koshino) Scaphoid (Herbert and Lanzetta) Management 0 – Silent + NWB joints…
Explore more Avascular Necrosis (Osteonecrosis) of Various Bones : Stages and Management