Thyroplasty is the cutting and reshaping of thyroid cartilage in various ways. Ishikki classificaiton – 4 types: Type Mnemonic Procedure Indication I M Medialization of…
Explore more Thyroplasty : MnemonicsOtorhinolaryngology
Triangles of Neck
Triangles Subdivisions Boundaries Floor Contents Clinical relevance Anterior Digastric (submandibular) – further subdivided into 3 small triangles:a. Lesser’sb. Pirogov’sc. Beclard’s 2 digastric belliesMandible Mylohyoid Submandibular…
Explore more Triangles of NeckFacial Nerve : Mnemonics
Course Origin: Ponto-medullary junction (Nucleus solitarius, Facial nucleus and Superior salivatory nucleus) Internal acoustic meatus: 7 up, Coke down Facial canal: After exiting skull from…
Explore more Facial Nerve : MnemonicsAnatomy of Tongue : Mnemonics
Muscles Intrinsic Extrinsic Alter the shape of tongue Attaches tongue to the bone Mnemonic: VIST Mnemonic: Paris St. German Hour 1. Vertical 1. Palatoglossus (Palate)…
Explore more Anatomy of Tongue : MnemonicsLaryngeal Muscles : Mnemonics
Extrinsic muscles Nerve supply: Ansa cervicalis (CN XII + C1, C2, C3) Infrahyoid muscles (Depressors of larynx): Mnemonic: TOSS Suprahyoid muscles (Elevators of larynx): Mnemonic:…
Explore more Laryngeal Muscles : MnemonicsThyroid Gland Blood Supply : Mnemonics
Arterial supply Arterial anastomosis Venous drainage The venous plexus lies beneath the true capsule (peripheral condensation of fibrous stroma of gland). Hence, during thyroidectomy, thyroid…
Explore more Thyroid Gland Blood Supply : MnemonicsFasciae of the Neck
Superficial cervical fascia Contents: Deep cervical fascia or Fascia colli 1. Investing layer 2. Pretracheal layer 3. Carotid sheath: Formed anteriorly by pretracheal fascia and…
Explore more Fasciae of the NeckParotid Gland : Mnemonics
Relations Anterior: 3 “M” Posterior: Mastoid and attachments Medial (Parotid bed): VANS Structures traversing the parotid gland Mnemonic: FACER Parotid gland innervation 1. Parasympathetic: Secretomotor…
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