Indications Contraindications Advantages Disadvantage Tension (maximum tension occurs in mid portion of the defect) especially with large defects Blood supply of flap Oblique terminal branches…
Explore more Volar V-Y advancement flap for fingertip amputationsSurgical skills
DIY Vac Dressing for Wounds
Pre-requisites for Vac Dressing Components of Vac Dressing 1. Pump for Negative Pressure: In a study, 3 closed suction drainage systems were studied – Davol…
Explore more DIY Vac Dressing for WoundsTechniques of Securing Surgical Drain to Skin (Drain Fixation)
Choice of Suture: Non-absorbable (braided suture provides slightly superior grip on tubing than monofilament sutures) Technique 1: Create a series of knots around the drain.…
Explore more Techniques of Securing Surgical Drain to Skin (Drain Fixation)How to make tourniquet for fingers using latex gloves?
Method 1: Digital block Painting with antiseptic solution Application of sterile latex gloves (slightly larger than the patient’s hand) on the patient’s hand A tiny…
Explore more How to make tourniquet for fingers using latex gloves?Zancolli-Lasso Procedure
Based on the preoperative clinical examination, the decision on which donor superficialis (FDS) tendon to use is made (commonly FDS middle finger is used). Transverse…
Explore more Zancolli-Lasso ProcedureCorner Stitch
Synonym: Half-buried horizontal mattress suture Indications: V, Y or X-pattern laceration repair Risk: Dermal stitch may be placed too close to the tip of the…
Explore more Corner StitchSurgical Sutures – Basics
Monofilament Polyfilament Absorbable Caprosyn (Polyglytone 621)Monocryl (Polyglecaprone 25)Biosyn (Polyglecaprone CV-23)Maxon (Polytrimethylate carbon)PDS (Polydiaxonone) CatgutVicryl rapide (Polyglactin 910 rapide)Vicryl (Polyglactin 910)Dexon (Polyglycolic acid) Non-absorbable NylonEthilon (Monofilament…
Explore more Surgical Sutures – BasicsTiming of Wound Closure (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)
Before moving to the concept of wound closure, it is necessary to understand the pathophysiology behind different types of healing. We have covered stages of…
Explore more Timing of Wound Closure (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)