Both of these substance use disorders are maladpative patterns of substance use, leading to clinically significant impairment/distress but defined by separate criteria. Substance abuse ≥1…
Explore more Substance abuse vs Substance dependencePharmacology
BCG for Urinary Bladder Cancer and BCG sepsis
The objectives of intravesical therapy in bladder cancer is to: avoid post-TURB (Transurethral resection of bladder) implantation of tumor cells eradicate residual disease prevent tumor…
Explore more BCG for Urinary Bladder Cancer and BCG sepsisPrinciples of Chemotherapy
Master the knowledge of clinically relevant cell cycle to understand the principles of chemotherapy. Tumors that are highly responsive to chemotherapeutic agents (e.g., testicular cancer, lymphomas) tend…
Explore more Principles of ChemotherapyAspirin and Clopidegrol : Perioperative Guidelines
The average lifespan of platelets is 7 to 10 days. Aspirin and Clopidegrol inhibits platelets for around 21 days. Hence, when these agents are stopped…
Explore more Aspirin and Clopidegrol : Perioperative GuidelinesPritchard regimen (MgSO4) in PIH
Pre-eclampsia is a disorder of pregnancy, characterized by hypertension (BP > 140/90 mmHg measured 2 times with interval ≥ 6 hours) and proteinuria (urinary excretion…
Explore more Pritchard regimen (MgSO4) in PIHCephalosporin Pharmacology – Mnemonics
Cephalosporins are one of the most widely prescribed antimicrobial drugs. They can be classified into 5 to generations and the medical students often have hard…
Explore more Cephalosporin Pharmacology – Mnemonics