Step 1: Rescuer 1 stabilizes head and neck in neutral position without applying traction. He/she should grasp the patient’s shoulders at the neck and gently…
Explore more Log Rolling Maneuver : StepsOrthopedics
Section Editor: Dr. Sulabh Kumar Shrestha, MBBS, PGY1 Orthopedics
Open fractures : Mnemonics
Gustilo Anderson Classification Mnemonics:1. Parameters: ABCD’S (Area, Bone, Circulation, Dirt, Soft tissue)2. Classification: I, II, III then A, B, C Progression for grade I to…
Explore more Open fractures : MnemonicsApproach to Low Back Pain
Definition of Low Back Pain Low back pain (LBP) is defined as pain, muscle tension or stiffness localized below the costal margin and above the…
Explore more Approach to Low Back PainPediatric Lateral Condyle Humerus Fracture : Review
A) Epidemiology: B) Mechanism of Injury: C) Classifications: a. Milch: Fracture line based – b. Jakob and Weiss: Displacement and articular congruency based – Modified…
Explore more Pediatric Lateral Condyle Humerus Fracture : ReviewForearm muscles : Tricks to remember
Anterior Forearm (Compartment) Muscles Total muscles: 8 (4 superficial + 1 intermediate + 3 deep) Mnemonic: Do it yourself as shown in the figure below!…
Explore more Forearm muscles : Tricks to rememberPathological reflexes – Variations of Babinski
Normally, the pathological reflexes are not evident because they are suppressed by cerebrum at brainstem or spinal cord level by 6 months of age. Importance:…
Explore more Pathological reflexes – Variations of BabinskiSummary of Clinical Tests and Signs in Orthopedics
Adson’s test: for thoracic outlet syndrome Allen’s test: for testing patency of radial and ulnar arteries Alli’s test: for DDH Anvil test: for testing tenderness…
Explore more Summary of Clinical Tests and Signs in OrthopedicsTrendelenburg test or sign
Method: The patient is then asked to stand on one leg and bend the opposite knee to 90° without flexing the hip. This action eliminates…
Explore more Trendelenburg test or sign