Origin: Tibial nerve (both medial and lateral plantar nerve) Similar to: Course and innervation: Medial plantar nerve Lateral plantar nerve Origin Larger branch of tibial…
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Parasympathetic ganglia of Head and Neck
Important points: Mnemonics: 1. COPS 3977 2. C is 3rd letter hence related to cranial nerve III 3. S for Sphenopalatine and Submandibular and S…
Explore more Parasympathetic ganglia of Head and NeckGlasgow Coma Scale
Best eye opening Mnemonic: ESPN Best verbal response Mnemonic: ASWGN Best motor response Mnemonic: OLD BEN Important points Question and Example A 20 year old…
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Spinal segment: The part of spinal cord to which a pair of spinal nerves (right and left) is attached. Cause of mismatch between spinal segments…
Explore more Spinal segments vs Vertebral levelMedian, Ulnar and Radial Nerve – Course and Innervation
Median nerve, Ulnar nerve and Radial nerve are the 3 major nerves of the upper limb originating from the brachial plexus. Some important neuroanatomic relationships…
Explore more Median, Ulnar and Radial Nerve – Course and InnervationSuperior Orbital Fissure (SOF): Mnemonics
Superior Orbital Fissure (SOF) is a cleft between greater and lesser wing of sphenoid which connects orbit and middle cranial fossa. It is divided into…
Explore more Superior Orbital Fissure (SOF): MnemonicsFoot Drop : Differentials
Foot drop can result from: L5 radiculopathy Lumbar plexopathy Sciatic neuropathy Peroneal neuropathy Causes Disc herniation, Spinal canal stenosis Pelvic surgery, hematoma, prolonged labor Hip…
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Orthopedic examination is a fundamental aspect of assessing musculoskeletal conditions, injuries, and disorders. This comprehensive guide aims to provide healthcare professionals, students, and practitioners with…
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