ESR (Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate) Usually elevated within 48-72 hours of the infection onset (less reliable in the first 48 hours of infection) Continues to rise…
Explore more ESR and CRP in Musculoskeletal infectionInfectious disease
Ten Diagnostic Dilemmas in Neonatal Meningitis
Incidence the global incidence of neonatal sepsis at 5–6 per 1000 live births and that of meningitis at 0.7–1 (2.4–16 in South and South-East Asia,…
Explore more Ten Diagnostic Dilemmas in Neonatal MeningitisA Case of Neonatal Umbilical Infection leading to Septic Shock
Case report A Preterm neonate of 33 weeks gestation deteriorated on day 2 with septic shock and decreased urine output rapidly over 12 hours. Baby…
Explore more A Case of Neonatal Umbilical Infection leading to Septic ShockDonning and Doffing Sequence – Mnemonic
It’s Covid-19 pandemic and it seems like Covid is here to stay for a while. Donning (putting on) and Doffing (taking off) of PPE (Personal…
Explore more Donning and Doffing Sequence – MnemonicDefinitions, Criteria and Classifications in Osteomyelitis
Morrey and Peterson’s Definition of Osteomyelitis Definite osteomyelitis: Positive bone or adjacent soft tissue culture or histologic evidence Probable osteomyelitis: Positive blood culture + Clinical…
Explore more Definitions, Criteria and Classifications in OsteomyelitisDengue Classification : Mnemonic
Probable Dengue Mnemonic: FEVeR TLC (Send Total Leukocyte Count in Fever) a. Feverb. Endemic area (living or travel)and 2 of –c. Vomiting and nausead. Rashe.…
Explore more Dengue Classification : MnemonicClinical Criteria for Diagnosis of Enteric Fever
In the Absence of Microbiological Confirmation, these case defintions and criteria may be helpful. Case definitions of Typhoid Fever a. Confirmed enteric fever: A patient…
Explore more Clinical Criteria for Diagnosis of Enteric FeverFever : Definition, Mechanism and Types
Definition of Fever Studies have found that the maximum normal oral temperature is 37.2ºC (98.9ºF) at 6 A.M. and 37.7ºC (99.9ºF) at 4 P.M.; these…
Explore more Fever : Definition, Mechanism and Types