1. Classic presentation is normal X-ray in patient with dyspnea and hypoxia 2. Atelectasis or parenchymal abnormality (68%) 3. Elevated hemidiaphragm 4. Pleural effusion (Felson’s…
Explore more Pulmonary Embolism : Chest X-ray SignsEmergency medicine
Well’s and PERC Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism : Mnemonic
Well’s Criteria (Modified and Simplified) Mnemonic: CHADS (Remember, this is not the CHADS2 score for Atrial Fibrillation) Clinical features of DVT Cancer Heart rate >…
Explore more Well’s and PERC Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism : MnemonicAcute STEMI Management – Mnemonic based approach
60 year old smoker patient came with epigastric pain and shortness of breath for 4 hours. The patient was tachypneic with SpO2 90%. Other vital…
Explore more Acute STEMI Management – Mnemonic based approachRapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) – Mnemonic Approach
Approach the patient with 9 Ps. 0-10 minutes (Possibility of Success): Anticipating difficult airway Mnemonic: LEMON approach 1. Look externally: Remember “BONES“ Beard Obesity No…
Explore more Rapid Sequence Intubation (RSI) – Mnemonic ApproachLog Rolling Maneuver : Steps
Step 1: Rescuer 1 stabilizes head and neck in neutral position without applying traction. He/she should grasp the patient’s shoulders at the neck and gently…
Explore more Log Rolling Maneuver : StepsOpen fractures : Mnemonics
Gustilo Anderson Classification Mnemonics:1. Parameters: ABCD’S (Area, Bone, Circulation, Dirt, Soft tissue)2. Classification: I, II, III then A, B, C Progression for grade I to…
Explore more Open fractures : MnemonicsSevere Malaria : Quick revision
Criteria for Severe and Complicated Malaria Positive peripheral blood smear for P.falciparum + ≥1 of the CHAPLINS (Mnemonic) Convulsions: >2 in 24 hour Cerebral edema…
Explore more Severe Malaria : Quick revisionShort Approach to SVT and AVNRT management
This is an ECG from a patient who came with a complaint of palpitation: Analyze the ECG: Rhythm: Regular Heart rate: Around 170/min QRS: Around…
Explore more Short Approach to SVT and AVNRT management