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Nuclei of Hypothalamus – Mnemonic

Hypothalamus is composed of several nuclei with different important functions – hence, it is important and confusing at the same time. I have devised a pictorial or visual mnemonic to make things easier for you.

Hypothalamus is a Cow

Imagine a Crying and Farting Cow when recalling the Hypothalamus.

Preoptic: Front of eyes (Eyes show lust)

Supra-optic: Above eyes (Lacrimal gland is Above eyes and secrete tears)

Supra-chiasmatic: The eyes (Closes when sleeping during night)

Anterior nucleus: Wet nose (Cooling system in animals)

Medial and Lateral nuclei: Stomach (Eating)

Arcuate nucleus: Curved or Arched Udder (Milk secretion)

Posterior nucleus: Farting posterior of cow (Heat)

Mammillary bodies: Mammary of Cow (Memory)

Match this with Real Hypothalamus

Lesions of Hypothalamus

1. Lateral nucleus:

2. Ventromedial nucleus (VMN):

3. Anterior hypothalamus:

4. Posterior hypothalamus:

5. Mammillary bodies:

5. Arcuate nucleus:

6. Preoptic nucleus:

7. Paraventricular and Supraoptic nuclei:

8. Suprachiasmatic nucleus:

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