Synonyms: Accidental hypothermia, Neurotensin-induced hypothermia, Endogenous cryogen-induced hypothermia, Hypoxia-induced hypothermia, Primary hypothermia, Secondary hypothermia Definition: The normal body temperature is around 37 c or 98.6…
Explore more ECG changes in HypothermiaAuthor: Epomedicine
ECG changes in Hyperkalemia
Synonym: Hyperpotassemia Definition: Serum potassium (K+) > 5 mEq/l Electrophysiologic basis of ECG changes: In patients with mild hyperkalemia, potassium conductance (IKr) through potassium channels…
Explore more ECG changes in HyperkalemiaBasics of ECG- Interpretation of waves and intervals
A normal ECG is electrical representation of a normal heart beat or sinus rhythm. The cardiac action potential causing deporalization and repolarization of various cardiac…
Explore more Basics of ECG- Interpretation of waves and intervals