1. Classic presentation is normal X-ray in patient with dyspnea and hypoxia 2. Atelectasis or parenchymal abnormality (68%) 3. Elevated hemidiaphragm 4. Pleural effusion (Felson’s…
Explore more Pulmonary Embolism : Chest X-ray SignsRespiratory system
Well’s and PERC Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism : Mnemonic
Well’s Criteria (Modified and Simplified) Mnemonic: CHADS (Remember, this is not the CHADS2 score for Atrial Fibrillation) Clinical features of DVT Cancer Heart rate >…
Explore more Well’s and PERC Criteria for Pulmonary Embolism : MnemonicAntigenic Shift and Drift
Antigenic Drift Nature of antigenic variation: Minor Mechanism: Gradual accumulation of amino acid substitutions due to point mutation in the hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N)…
Explore more Antigenic Shift and DriftThoracocentesis : Practical Essentials
Absolute contraindications of thoracocentesis There are no absolute contraindications to diagnostic thoracocentesis. If clinical judgement dictates that the information gained from the pleural fluid analysis…
Explore more Thoracocentesis : Practical EssentialsDifference between Sarcoidosis and Tuberculosis
Sarcoidosis and tuberculosis are both granulomatous disease with similar constitutional symptoms, respiratory symptoms and multiple organ involvement with hilar and mediastinal lymph node involvement. Hence,…
Explore more Difference between Sarcoidosis and TuberculosisExtensive Small Cell Lung Cancer
Short Case Summary 74 years old smoker, male patient presented with significant weight loss, productive cough and abdominal discomfort of short duration. Patient was icteric…
Explore more Extensive Small Cell Lung CancerDrug Resistance TB Management Summary
Antitubercular drug symbols H = Isoniazid R = Rifampicin Z = Pyrazinamide E = Ethambutol S = Streptomycin Km = Kanamycin Cm = Capreomycin Lfx…
Explore more Drug Resistance TB Management SummarySilhouette and Cervico-thoracic sign
Synonyms: Obscured margin sign, Loss of outline sign Silhouette refers to the shadow and derived it’s origin from shadow papercuts done by Etienne de Silhouette.…
Explore more Silhouette and Cervico-thoracic sign