Wilm’s tumor is the most common primary renal tumor of childhood. Origin: Embryonic nephrogenic (mesodermal) cells Mechanism: Deletion of WT-1 gene on chromosome 11 Pathology:…
Explore more Wilm’s Tumor (Nephroblastoma) : Quick reviewRenal and Electroloyte
Most Important Urinary Buffer: Phosphate or Ammonia?
There are multiple choice questions (mcq) which asks: What is the most important urinary buffer? And the choices include both the phosphate and ammonia. Different…
Explore more Most Important Urinary Buffer: Phosphate or Ammonia?Ball-on-Tee, Lobster Claw and Signet Ring Sign – Renal papillary necrosis
Synonym: Necrotizing papillitis In renal papillary necrosis, part or all of necrotic renal papilla sloughs and may fall into the pelvicalyceal system, which may remain…
Explore more Ball-on-Tee, Lobster Claw and Signet Ring Sign – Renal papillary necrosisTNM and staging of Urinary Bladder Cancer Simplified
As discussed earlier in – TNM Classification and Cancer Staging Simplified, Urinary bladder is a hollow organ whose “T” classification resembles that of the gastrointestinal…
Explore more TNM and staging of Urinary Bladder Cancer SimplifiedRenal (Kidney) Development – Embryology Made Easy
Kidney development occurs chronologically from cranial to caudal direction from urogenital ridge (intermediate mesoderm) in 3 different phases. Intermediate mesoderm → urogenital ridge (longitudinal elevation…
Explore more Renal (Kidney) Development – Embryology Made EasyComplications of Long Term Dialysis
A) Cardiovascular complications 1. Exacerbation or Precipitation of CHF – Voluminous AV Fistula AV shunting → Decreased TPR → BP fall → Sympathetic stimulation & RAAS activation → Ventricular remodeling…
Explore more Complications of Long Term DialysisMnemonic based approach to grading and planning treatment for BPH
MNEMONIC: FUNWISE During the last 1 month, how often/many times you had to – 1. Frequency: Urinate again <2 hours after you finished urinating ?…
Explore more Mnemonic based approach to grading and planning treatment for BPHRadiation cystitis : Diagnosis, prevention and management
Cause of radiation cystitis: Bladder in the radiation field (treatment of pelvic malignancies like prostate, cervical, colorectal) Epidemiology of radiation cystitis: Incidence: 23% to 80%…
Explore more Radiation cystitis : Diagnosis, prevention and management