Introduction Mnemonic: WIPER General information Mnemonic: DNA SORAN Presenting Complaint (PC) A good opening question might be “What seems to be the problem today?”. It…
Explore more History Taking : Sequence and MnemonicsClinical examination
Glasgow Coma Scale
Best eye opening Mnemonic: ESPN Best verbal response Mnemonic: ASWGN Best motor response Mnemonic: OLD BEN Important points Question and Example A 20 year old…
Explore more Glasgow Coma ScaleClarke’s test
Synonyms: Patellofemoral grind test, Patella hold test, Zohler’s sign Tests for: Patellofemoral dysfunction Patient position: Lying down with knees extended and relaxed (heels on table)…
Explore more Clarke’s testSpinal segments vs Vertebral level
Spinal segment: The part of spinal cord to which a pair of spinal nerves (right and left) is attached. Cause of mismatch between spinal segments…
Explore more Spinal segments vs Vertebral levelOrthopedic Examination Made Easy
Orthopedic examination is a fundamental aspect of assessing musculoskeletal conditions, injuries, and disorders. This comprehensive guide aims to provide healthcare professionals, students, and practitioners with…
Explore more Orthopedic Examination Made EasyEliciting Primitive Neonatal Reflexes
Neonatal reflexes are the reflexes which are present at birth and have a predictable course of appearance and disappearance. A normally developing newborn should respond…
Explore more Eliciting Primitive Neonatal ReflexesDiet Assessment in Pediatrics: History taking skill
As a part of history taking, Dietary assessment becomes an important part of pediatric history. As childhood is the age of rapid growth and development,…
Explore more Diet Assessment in Pediatrics: History taking skillInverted Reflexes
An inverted tendon reflex refers to the elicitation of the movement opposite to that normally seen when the reflex is elicited. Mechanism of Inverted Reflexes…
Explore more Inverted Reflexes