Anatomy: Retropharyngeal space: Extends from the base of the skull down to the level of the carina, and is located between the buccopharyngeal mucosa and the prevertebral…
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History taking and examination skills and Flowchart approaches to commonly encountered medical conditions and diseases.
Digital Clubbing
Synonyms: Hippocratic fingers, Acropachy, Dysacromelia, Drumstick fingers, Watch glass nails, Parrot beak fingers, Serpent head nails, Lovibond’s sign Definition Focal and bulbous enlargement of the…
Explore more Digital ClubbingEdema – Physical Examination
Synonyms: Oedema, Swelling Definition of Edema Accumulation of excessive amount of fluid in the extravascular interstitial space of the body. Interstitial space is the extravascular…
Explore more Edema – Physical ExaminationCyanosis
Synonyms: Morbus coeruleus, Blue disease Definition of Cyanosis Cyanosis is the bluish discoloration of the skin, mucous membrane and nail bed usually owing to atleast 5 gm/dl…
Explore more CyanosisJugular Venous Pulse and Pressure (JVP) Examination
Definition of Jugular venous Pulse and Pressure Jugular venous pulse is defined as the oscillating top of vertical column of blood in the right Internal…
Explore more Jugular Venous Pulse and Pressure (JVP) ExaminationIcterus
Synonyms: Jaundice Definition of Icterus Icterus is the yellowish discoloration of skin and mucous membrane and body fluids (CSF, joint fluid, cysts) evident as a…
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Synonyms: Paleness Definition of Pallor Pallor is the paleness of skin and mucous membranes, due to the reduced amount of oxyhemoglobin or decreased peripheral perfusion.…
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