In a very short notice to be prepared, we left home for the residential pre-deployment training on January, 2018. In the freezing cold of the…
Explore more United Nation’s Peacekeeping Mission – A Doctor’s StoryUN Medical
Mental Health Issues in UN Peacekeeping (Infographics)
This was done as a final presentation for the webinar course – “Social media and United Nations”. I have tried to create this infographic using…
Explore more Mental Health Issues in UN Peacekeeping (Infographics)Levels of Medical Facilities in Peacekeeping Operations
Basic Level (Soldier level or Buddy-Aid) Immediate first-aid is provided by the nearest person-on-site (all personnel operating away from medical care must undergo standard first-aid…
Explore more Levels of Medical Facilities in Peacekeeping OperationsMedical conditions disqualifying deployment into UN Peacekeeping Operations
Immunization Failure to provide proof of having received all United Nations-mandated immunizations Skin problems An active skin disease such as eczema or widespread psoriasis Chest…
Explore more Medical conditions disqualifying deployment into UN Peacekeeping Operations