Levels of Medical Facilities in Peacekeeping Operations

medical support un mission

Basic Level (Soldier level or Buddy-Aid)

Immediate first-aid is provided by the nearest person-on-site (all personnel operating away from medical care must undergo standard first-aid training and carry personal and vehicular first-aid kits).

Level 1 (Mobile/Battalion level)

Provides immediate life-saving and resuscitation capabilities along with routine clinical care.


  1. ATLS trained 2 medical officers
  2. Trained 6 paramedics or nurses
  3. 3 support staffs including an ambulance driver


  1. Treat upto 20 ambulatory patients per day
  2. Temporary holding capacity of 5 patients for upto 2 days
  3. Hold medical supplies and consumables for 60 days

Level 1+: Addition of any modules like primary dental care, basic laboratory facilities, forward surgical team, AMET (Aeromedical Evacuation Team) capability.

Level 2 (Second line or Brigade/Sector level surgical facility)

All modules of Level 1+ PLUS damage control surgery, post-operative services and high-dependency care, intensive care-resuscitation, in-patient services, record maintenance and administrative support.

Staffing: 57 or 67 (if AMET facility)


  1. 3 to 4 surgeries per day
  2. Hospitalization for 10-20 casualties for upto 7 days
  3. 40 outpatients per day
  4. 10 dental consultations per day
  5. Hold medical supplies and consumables for 60 days

Level 2+: Addition of any modules like orthopedics, gynecology, internal medicine or diagnostic radiology.

Level 3 (Third line or Field Hospital)

This is a fully equipped and staffed multidisciplinary field hospital. All major medical and surgical specialties are provided for.

Staffing: 90 personnel in average


  1. 10 surgeries per day
  2. Hospitalization of 50 patients for upto 30 days
  3. 60 outpatients per day
  4. 20 dental consultations
  5. 20 X-rays and 40 lab tests per day
  6. Hold medical supplies and consumables for 60 days

Level 4

Definitive care facilities provided outside of the mission area.

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