Central nervous system (CNS) examination is the most difficult thing to complete within a time limit during final exam and the dilemma is that, most…
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Radial Tunnel Syndrome (RTS) – Anatomy and Clinical Examination
Synonyms: Radial pronator syndrome, Treatment resistant lateral epicondylitis (tennis elbow) Anatomy of Radial Tunnel The anatomic radial tunnel (~5 cm) extends from the radial head…
Explore more Radial Tunnel Syndrome (RTS) – Anatomy and Clinical ExaminationFemoral Anteversion test (Craig’s test)
Synonym: Trochanteric prominence angle test Patient position: Prone with knee on test side flexed to 90 degrees Test procedure: Examiner palpates the greater trochanter and…
Explore more Femoral Anteversion test (Craig’s test)Schirmer’s test
Schirmer’s test is a measurement of tear production, devised by the German ophthalmologist Otto W.A. Schirmer. Originally, Schirmer used blotting paper to collect tears elicited…
Explore more Schirmer’s testBulbocavernosus Reflex (BCR)
Synonyms: Bulbospongiosus reflex (BSR), Osinski reflex Reflex arc: a. Stimulus: Briskly squeezing glans penis or clitoris or Tugging Foley’s catheter (pulling the balloon of foley’s…
Explore more Bulbocavernosus Reflex (BCR)Sectoral Sign : AVN hip
The rotation of the hip must be assessed both with the hip in flexion and extension as well. In general, the range of motion for…
Explore more Sectoral Sign : AVN hipHistory Taking : A Basic Clinical Skill
As a Doc. whenever you treat a patient, the success of treatment depends upon whether you come up with the right diagnosis or at least…
Explore more History Taking : A Basic Clinical SkillAdd “ICE” to history – Patient’s perspective
In medical history taking, “ICE” is an acronym for trilogy of “Ideas”, “Concerns” and “Expectations” which is a doctor’s tool to assess the patient’s perspective…
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