Information about his health is patient’s right excluding certain modifiable scenarios. This right is retained by the attendant of the patients as well. Most often…
Explore more Ignoring Consent and Counselling is a spark to all troublesLeprosy: Etiopathogenesis, Classification and Complications
Synonyms: Hansen’s disease, Kushta roga, Mezels Definition: Leprosy is a chronic granulomatous disease, caused by Mycobacterium leprae which affects prinicpally the skin and peripheral nerves.…
Explore more Leprosy: Etiopathogenesis, Classification and ComplicationsJugular Venous Pulse and Pressure (JVP) Examination
Definition of Jugular venous Pulse and Pressure Jugular venous pulse is defined as the oscillating top of vertical column of blood in the right Internal…
Explore more Jugular Venous Pulse and Pressure (JVP) ExaminationApplied Anatomy of Palatine Tonsils
Synonyms: Tonsils (Unless otherwise specified, tonsils usually refers to palatine tonsils), Faucial tonsils Definition: Almond shaped, ovoid mass of lymphoid tissue situated bilaterally in the…
Explore more Applied Anatomy of Palatine TonsilsApplied Anatomy of Tympanic Membrane
Synonyms: Ear drum, Myringa Definition: Tympanic membrane is a thin membrane that separates the external ear from the middle ear. Anatomy: Site: Located at medial…
Explore more Applied Anatomy of Tympanic MembraneIcterus
Synonyms: Jaundice Definition of Icterus Icterus is the yellowish discoloration of skin and mucous membrane and body fluids (CSF, joint fluid, cysts) evident as a…
Explore more IcterusPallor
Synonyms: Paleness Definition of Pallor Pallor is the paleness of skin and mucous membranes, due to the reduced amount of oxyhemoglobin or decreased peripheral perfusion.…
Explore more PallorECG changes in Pulmonary embolism
Synonyms: Pulmonary artery embolism, Pulmonary embolus, PE Definition: A pulmonary embolus (PE) is a blood clot that embolizes to the lungs. When a clot from…
Explore more ECG changes in Pulmonary embolism