Jaundice refers to accumulation of bilirubin in the epidermal tissues of the body, resulting in a yellowish tinge to the skin, sclera, and mucosa. Atleast 5 mg/dl…
Explore more Neonatal Jaundice (NNJ) : ApproachVision loss – General Appoach
Diagnosis of the etiology of vision loss requires a step-wise systematic approach. The vision loss may be sudden or gradual, painful or painless, unilateral or…
Explore more Vision loss – General AppoachUnderstanding Eye Glass Prescription Slip
A phoropter/refractor is an instrument commonly used by eye care professionals during an eye examination, containing different lenses used for refraction of the eye during…
Explore more Understanding Eye Glass Prescription SlipSudden Vision Loss : Simplified Approach
Acute or sudden vision loss is due to one of the following causes: Opacification of normally transparent structures anterior to retina Retinal abnormalities Abnormalities of…
Explore more Sudden Vision Loss : Simplified ApproachAcute Red Eye : Simplified Approach
Red eye reflects hyperemia or engorgement of superficial visible conjunctival, episcleral or ciliary vessels. A) DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSES FOR ACUTE RED EYE 1. Painless red eye:…
Explore more Acute Red Eye : Simplified ApproachHistory and Examination in Ophthalmology
A) HISTORY Besides chief complaints, other portion of history is similar to the one you prepare in internal medicine. 1. Description of symptom (SOCRATES): S…
Explore more History and Examination in OphthalmologySimplified Approach to Parotid Enlargement
Diagnosis and management of a case of parotid enlargement requires systematic approach. Here, I have tried to present a simplified approach to parotid enlargement. A)…
Explore more Simplified Approach to Parotid EnlargementBranchial Apparatus (Pharyngeal arches and pouches) : Mnemonics
Synonym: Pharyngeal apparatus Mnemonic: CAP covers from out to in Pharyngeal arches are equivalent of gill arches in fish that develop in a cranio-caudal sequence. Derivatives…
Explore more Branchial Apparatus (Pharyngeal arches and pouches) : Mnemonics