Scoring systems | Score type | Brief description | Score interpretation |
Revised trauma score (RTS) | Physiologic | RR + SBP + GCS | Each parameter is scored 0-4 (Total range = 0-12) Lower score indicates more severe injury (RTS 12 = <1% mortality; RTS 0 = >99% mortality) Score <11 – transfer to trauma center |
Injury severity score (ISS) | Anatomic | Body divided into 6 regions (head, face, chest, abdomen, extremities including pelvis & external) & each injury is assigned the AIS (1-6) | Sum of the square of 3 highest scoring regions Highest score is 75 (5² + 5² + 5²) AIS of 6 is regarded as unsurvivable (automatically gets score of 75) |
New injury severity score (NISS) | Anatomic | Each injury assigned a severity from 1 to 6, allowing multiple injuries in a body region to be considered | Sum of the square of 3 highest AIS irrespective of body regions |
Trauma & Injury severity score (TRISS) | Combined | Attempts to predict mortality by combining anatomic and physiological derangements | Calculates a probability of survival based on logistic regression of RTS, ISS & age |