Spinal Tracts Simplified

spinal tracts

Organization of Ascending and Descending Tracts in Spinal Cord

A. 2 Posterior Tracts:

The fibers of these tracts cross to the opposite side at the level of medulla:

  1. Dorsal column (Cross at medulla)
    • Fasciculus gracilis
    • Fasciculus cuneatus
  2. Lateral corticospinal tract (Cross at medulla)

B. 2 Lateral Tracts:

The fibers of these tracts remain on ipsilateral side:

  1. Dorsal spinocerebellar tract (Do not cross)
  2. Ventral spinocerebellar tract (Crosses 2 times to lie on ipsilateral side)
    • 1st crossing in the spinal cord
    • 2nd crossing in the cerebellum

C. 2 Anterior Tracts:

The fibers of these tracts cross at the level of spinal cord:

  1. Anterior corticospinal tract
  2. Anterior and Lateral spinothalamic tract

D. Extrapyramidal tracts:

  1. Rubrospinal tract (Cross at midbrain)
  2. Vestibulospinal tract: Uncrossed
  3. Reticulospinal tract: Uncrossed
  4. Olivospinal tract: Uncrossed
spinal tract somatotropy

Now, look at the somatotropic arrangement of the various tracts:

  • Fasciculus gracilis: lower limbs
  • Fasciculus cuneatus: upper limbs
  • Corticospinal tract: upper limbs medially and lower limbs laterally
  • Spinothalamic tract: upper limbs medially and lower limbs laterally

Ascending tracts:

Lateral spinothalamicPain, Temperature
Anterior spinothalamicLight (crude) touch
Dorsal columnFine touch, proprioception, 2 point discrimination
SpinocerebellarMovement and position mechanisms
SpinotectalAfferent information for spino-visual reflexes and brings about movement of the eyes and head toward the source of the stimulation
SpinoreticularDeep and chronic pain
Spino-olivaryConveys information to the cerebellum from cutaneous and proprioceptive organs

Descending tracts:

Lateral corticospinalFine motor (controls distal musculature)
Modulation of sensory functions
Anterior corticospinalGross and postural motor function (proximal & axial musculature)
RubrospinalMotor function
Facilitates the activity of flexor muscles and inhibits the activity of extensor or antigravity muscles
VestibulospinalPostural reflexes
Facilitates the activity of extensor muscles and inhibits the activity of flexor muscles in association with the maintenance of balance
ReticulospinalModulation of sensory transmission
Modulation of spinal reflexes
Influence voluntary movements and reflex activity
TectospinalReflex head turning
Concerned with reflex postural movements in response to visual stimuli
Descending autonomicModulation of autonomic functions
Controls sympathetic and parasympathetic functions
Medial longitudinal fasciculusCoordination of head & eye movements

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