K: Kids (Induction agent of choice in children)
E: Emergence reaction (floating sensations, vivid dreams and hallucination; reduced using benzodiazepines), Enantiomers (S-Ketamine and R-Ketamine)
T: Thalamo-cortical dissociation with limbic system causing dissociative anesthesia
A: Analgesic, Amnesic, Antidepressant, All routes (IV, IM, PO, Intranasal, Epidural, Intrathecal)
M: Meals – can be given after meals, Muscarinic receptor antagonist (increased secretions, bronchodilation), Metabolism (primary) – hepatic
I: Increases all pressures (BP, ICP, IOP)
N: NMDA (N-Methyl-D-Aspartate) Glutamate receptor blocker, Norketamine (Major metabolite), Nausea/vomiting (due to increased concentration of DA/5HT in synaptic junctions)
E: Excretion (primary) – renal