1. Speech: Ideas, thoughts, feelings expressed through language
2. Emotion: Complex phenomenon involving reactions in 3 different components:
- Feeling experienced by subject (joy, sadness, anger)
- Behavioral (expressive component)
- Autonomic and endocrine component
3. Affect: Objective outward expression of the immediate cross-section emotion at a given time
4. Mood: Sustained pervasive feeling tone and colors the total experience of the person
5. Thought:
- Goal-directed flow of ideas, symbols, and associations
- Initiated by a problem or task
- Leading toward a reality-oriented conclusion
- Characterized by rational connection between successive ideas/thoughts
6. Delusion: False belief with following features:
- Certainty: held with absolute conviction
- Incorrigibility: not changeable bu counterargument or proof or contrary
- Impossibility/falsity of content
- Not consistent with patient’s intelligence and cultural background
- Have personal significance
7. Over-valued ideas: Strongly held, dominate live (and conversation) but are not always illogical or culturally inappropriate
8. Phobias: Exaggerated, irrational and persistent fears when exposed to specific stimuli which are unreasonable and interfering with normal function
9. Obsessions:
- Recurrent and persistent thoughts, impulses, or images that are experienced as intrusive and inappropriate that cause marked anxiety or distress
- Are not simply excessive worries about real life problems
- Person attempts to ignore or suppress or to neutralize them with some other thought or action
- Recognizes them as a product of his/her own mind (not imposed from without as insertion)
10. Compulsions:
- Repetitive behaviors/mental acts that the person feels driven to perform in response to obsession, or according to rules that must be applied rigidly
- Aimed at preventing/reducing distress or preventing some dreaded event or situation – but are not connected in a realistic way with what they are designed to neutralize or prevent
11. Circumstantiality: A disturbed pattern of speech or writing characterized by delay in getting to the point because of the interpolation of unnecessary details and irrelevant remarks (results from non-linear thought pattern)
12. Tangentiality: Speech is oblique, irrelevant and doesn’t come back to original point
13. Flight of ideas: Quickly skipping from one idea to another where ideas are marginally connected
14. Perception: Process of being aware of a sensory experience and being able to recognize it by comparing it with previous experience
15. Hallucinations:
- Perceptions arising within mind without any external stimulation of sense organs
- As intrusive as obsessions but patient doesn’t recognize them as arising from themselves
16. Illusions: Misinterpretation of existent external stimuli
17. Consciousness: Awareness of self and environment
18. Orientation: Awareness of one’s position in time, place and person
19. Attention: Ability to focus on a particular stimulus
20. Concentration: Ability to sustain attention for a period of time
21. Memory: Process of acquisition (registration), retention (storage) and retrieval (reproduction) of information
22. Intelligence: Ability to thing logically, act rationally and deal effectively with environment
23. Insight: Patient’s degree of awareness and understanding about being ill
24. Abstract thinking: Ability to –
- Assume a mental set voluntarily
- Shift voluntarily from one object of stimulation to another
- Keep in mind simultaneously various aspects of situation
- Grasp essentials of a “whole”
- To break a whole into point
25. Judgement: Ability to assess a situation correctly and act appropriately within situation
26. Echolalia: Repetition by the patient of the interviewer’s words/phrases
27. Echopraxia: Imitation by the patient of interviewer’s movements
28. Stereotypy: Regular, repetitive, non-goal directed movement (purposeless)
29. Mannerisms: Abnormal, repetitive goal directed movement (of some functional significance)
30. Waxy flexibility: Patient’s limb can be placed in awkward posture and remain fixed in position for long time despite asking to relax
31. Mitmachen: Patient’s body can be placed in any posture; when relaxed, patient returns to resting position
32. Catalepsy: Motor symptom of schizophrenia same as waxy flexibility
33. Cataplexy: Symptom of narcolepsy in which there is sudden loss of muscle tone leading to collapse, occurs in emotional state
34. Automatic obedience: Patient does whatever the interviewer asks of him irrespective of consequences
35. Gegenhalten (Opposition): Patient opposes attempts at passive movement with force equal to that being applied
36. Mitgehen: An extreme form of mitmachen in which patient will move in any direction with very slight pressure
37. Negativism: Extreme form of gegenhalten – motiveless resistance to suggestion/attempts at movements
38. Ambivalence: Marked inability to decide for and against
39. Ambitendence: Patient begins to make a movement but before completing it, starts the opposite movement
40. Preservation: Senseless repetition of a previously requested movement, even after the stimulus is withdrawn
41. Neologisms: Patient uses words or phrases invented by himself. eg. headshoe for hat
42. Metonyms: Use of ordinary words in unusual ways – ‘stand ins for other words’ e.g. pen for written word, crown for royal person
43. Verbigeration: Disappearance of understandable speech which is replaced by mere utterance
44. Vorbeireden (talking past point): Patient seems always about to get near to the matter in hand but never quite reaches it
45. Loosening of association: Thought process with series of ideas without apparent logical connections
46. Depersonalization: A change in self awareness such that person feels unreal
47. Derealization: A change in self awareness such that the environment feel unreal
48. Euthymia: A normal mood state
49. Euphoria: Sustained and unwarranted cheerfulness
50. Dystonia: Maximal contraction of muscle group
51. Akathasia: Restlessness – usually lower limbs
52. Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome (NMS): Life-threatening idiosyncratic reaction to neuroleptic medicactions due to massive dopamine blockade (hypodopaminergic state in hypothalamus) and characterized by FARM:
- Fever
- Autonomic dysfunction (Increased heart rate, labile BP, sweating)
- Rigidity
- Mental status altered (1st to occur – Loss of conscioussness, mutism, dysphagia)
53. Delusional misidentification syndrome:
- Capgras: replaced by identical or near identical imposter
- Fregoli: someone they know is in disguise and harming them
54. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT): Induction of a GTCS (Generalized Clonic Tonic Seizure) using an electrical impulse through the brain while patient is under General Anesthesia or a muscle relaxant.
55. Deliberate Self Harm (DSH): Deliberate, non fatal act – physical, drug overdose/poisoning, done in knowledge that it was potentially harmful
56. Dissociation: Apparent dissociation between different mental activities
57. Conversion: Mental energy can be converted in certain physical symptoms
58. Hypochondriasis: Preoccupation with fear of having a serious disease which persists despite negative investigations