Donati’s suture (commonly called as vertical mattress suture) has a far-far-near-near (F-F-N-N) configuration where the far-through stitches seize the subcutaneous tissue and the near-through stitches…
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Surgical instruments and surgical techniques
SOP – A Surgical Patient
Most patients have only one operation in their lives and to them, it is of great concern and a Solemn Occasion, though it is just…
Explore more SOP – A Surgical PatientSurgical blade size : Tricks to remember
Surgical blade anatomy Sharp edge: Belly Tip Unsharpened ridge opposite to the edge: Spine Slot for scalpel Surgical blade numbers Here is a trick to…
Explore more Surgical blade size : Tricks to rememberPterygium Excision
Indications for surgery: 1. Reduced vision secondary to: Threatens visual axis: Pterygium advancing toward or already impinging visual axis Induced astigmatism: Due to flattening of…
Explore more Pterygium ExcisionExternal Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)
Definition External Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is the surgery to connect the mucosal surface of lacrimal sac to the nasal mucosa by removing the intervening bone. It…
Explore more External Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR)Myringotomy and Tube Insertion
Synonyms: Of Myringotomy: Tympanotomy (Opening the middle ear cavity), Tympanostomy (Instillation of a ventillation tube), Myringocentesis Of Ventilation Tube (VT): Grommet, Pressure Equalization Tube, Ear…
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