Do air purifiers filter and kill viruses and bacteria?

Clean air is something that is very important. There are so many different pollutants in the air that we breathe, along with other things such as germs and dust, and these can affect us in a number of ways. Long term exposure to polluted air, such as that which can be found in busy cities, industrial towns and dense populations can cause serious health issues.

Some of the most common effects of poor air quality include shortness of breath, irritated eyes and nose, and can also lead to aggravated symptoms for asthma sufferers and other individuals with respiratory conditions.

Polluted air in the home

Though most of us will associate poor quality and polluted air with being something that is found outside, we are actually prone to experiencing polluted air in our homes as well. The air inside your home could be just as dangerous as that outside.

There are sources for air pollution in literally every room in the house. Things such as mold, dust mites and pet dander are just some of the common allergens that you can find at home, along with the possibility of fumes from gas powered appliances in the kitchen, or even a gas heater.

Improving air quality in the house

There are a number of ways in which you can improve the quality of air in your home. The obvious one that everyone does is to try and increase ventilation in the house. Opening your windows and back door can allow a flow of new air through the house, sweeping out some of the more polluted air that is lingering around inside, especially during the winter months when we tend to keep windows tightly closed.

During the summer months, you should switch on your air condition if you have one. Not only will this help with keeping the home cooler during the hot months, it also removes water from the atmosphere, which in turn helps remove various pollutants, as many of these are water-soluble. Another popular solution for cleaner air indoors is an air purifier.

What are air purifiers?

Over the past decade, more and more people are buying an air purifier for their homes. These are devices that come in a variety of shapes and sizes, which will help to remove a number of impurities from the air inside your home such as dust, smoke, pet dander and odours.

The devices will usually be made up of one or more filters through which air is sucked in by a fan and then circulated. The filters will collect all of the particles and pollutants in the air, and then recycle the air, pushing it back into the room in a much purified and cleaner state.

There are also a number of air purifiers that can remove germs and bacteria from the air in your home. For more information and a selection of suggestions, click on the following link – Best Air Purifier For Viruses + Coronavirus (2020 Reviews Updated).

Can air purifiers really kill viruses and bacteria?

There are a lot of questions about how effective air purifiers are when it comes to killing viruses and other germs and bacteria in the air. The Covid-19 pandemic of 2020 has really changed the way we live for everyone on the planet, and more and more people are looking for ways to protect themselves from the virus.

Air purifiers can trap and kill bacteria and viruses that are currently in the air in your home. They can’t protect or even prevent such germs or viruses from entering the air in your home. All they can do is to deal with those that are in the air at that time.

A popular solution for trapping viruses in the air in your home is with a HEPA (High-efficiency particulate air) filter. These devices are actually very good at containing viruses, though they won’t actually kill them.

When it comes to Covid-19 virus, though it is a virus that is spread mainly through contact with an infected person or contaminated objects or surfaces, there are many scientists who acknowledge that the virus can be spread through the air. 

Even though this is not an official option by the WHO at the present time, it does place some additional importance on just how vital it is to be breathing clean air, whether we are inside at home or outside.  

It is estimated that we generally spend about 90% of our time indoors, which is a huge percentage, especially when most people are more concerned about the quality of air outside, where they actually spend only a fraction of their time, and don’t have many concerns for the quality of indoor air.

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