Classification and Mechanism of Action Acronyms: Mnemonic: TRIM 3N 3S Class Mechanism Drugs Side effects TCA Blocks reuptake of 5-HT, NA & other receptors (H1,…
Explore more Antidepressants : MnemonicsPsychiatry
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome : Mnemonic
Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome is the most serious form of thiamine deficiency in patients diagnosed with alcohol use disorder. Thiamine deficiency in alcoholics (Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome) results in…
Explore more Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome : MnemonicThe Reality of Vaping: Unveiling its Actual Impact on Health and Safety
The popularity of vape technology has given rise to an entire culture. Some individuals opt for vapes as an alternative to cigarettes, trying to quit…
Explore more The Reality of Vaping: Unveiling its Actual Impact on Health and SafetyPain all over body, Sleep disturbance, Fatigue, Headaches – Fibromyalgia
What is Fibromyalgia? Fibromyalgia is a chronic illness characterized by many symptoms that occur all at once: 1. Widespread pain 2. Fatigue 3. Sleep problems…
Explore more Pain all over body, Sleep disturbance, Fatigue, Headaches – Fibromyalgia3 Things To Consider When Treating Chronic Depression
Are you treating a patient with chronic depression? Finding the right approach can feel like walking through a minefield, with very real consequences. The following…
Explore more 3 Things To Consider When Treating Chronic DepressionThe 5 Most Common Sleep Disorders Explained and How They’re Treated
Sleep is a vital part of life, as it allows our bodies to rest and recover from the previous day. The average healthy adult needs…
Explore more The 5 Most Common Sleep Disorders Explained and How They’re TreatedDemonic Possession From The Eyes of Science
Several cultures and religions round the globe carry a belief that the humans are capable of being possessed or inhabited by spirits and even the…
Explore more Demonic Possession From The Eyes of ScienceThe Psychological Impacts Of Drug Addiction
The widespread issue of drug addiction has plagued the world for so long that it’s almost impossible to backtrack where it even started. Regardless, many…
Explore more The Psychological Impacts Of Drug Addiction