Synonyms: Dorsal midbrain sydnrome, Pretectal syndrome Main components of Parinaud syndrome: Vertical gaze palsy Convergence-retraction nystagmus Pupillary light-near dissociation Lid retraction (Collier’s sign) Anatomical basis…
Explore more Parinaud Syndrome – Anatomical BasisOphthalmology
Embryology of Eye : Mnemonic
Surface ectoderm derivatives Mnemonic: LEVeL Lens Epithelium All ocular adnexa including mebomian gland and glands of Zeis and Moll Skin Cornea Conjunctiva Vitreous (portion) Lacrimal…
Explore more Embryology of Eye : MnemonicEthambutol Induced Optic Neuropathy
Mechanism of Ethambutol induced optic neuropathy Ethambutol is metabolized to a chelating agent. The chelating agent formed then may impair the function of metal-containing mitochondiral…
Explore more Ethambutol Induced Optic NeuropathyVisual Pathway : Supplement Knowledge
Everyone must be aware of the normal visual pathway and their defects. Here, I’ve tried to enlist the topics related to the visual pathway that…
Explore more Visual Pathway : Supplement KnowledgeRetinal Layers Simplified
The ten layers of retina – this microscopic anatomy is frequently asked in examinations and also important from the physiological viewpoint. There are plenty of…
Explore more Retinal Layers SimplifiedHorizontal Conjugate Gaze Pathway
Components of Pathway For both eyes to look at a side: Contralateral Frontal Eye Field (Brodmann area 8) Ipsilateral PPRF (Paramedial Pontine Reticular Formation) Ipsilateral…
Explore more Horizontal Conjugate Gaze PathwayVision loss – General Appoach
Diagnosis of the etiology of vision loss requires a step-wise systematic approach. The vision loss may be sudden or gradual, painful or painless, unilateral or…
Explore more Vision loss – General AppoachUnderstanding Eye Glass Prescription Slip
A phoropter/refractor is an instrument commonly used by eye care professionals during an eye examination, containing different lenses used for refraction of the eye during…
Explore more Understanding Eye Glass Prescription Slip