Before proceeding into the disease itself, let’s review – relevant anatomy of the medulla with a simple mnemonic. The Side (lateral) part of Medulla contains…
Explore more Anatomical basis of Wallenberg (Lateral Medullary) Syndrome : MnemonicNervous system
Craniopharyngioma – Case Discussion
Case Summary A 38 year old female came with: Headache for 6 months Diminution of peripheral vision bilatetrally Irregular menstrual cycle for the last 1…
Explore more Craniopharyngioma – Case DiscussionClonus : Clinical Examination and Mechanism
Definition of clonus Clonus is a rhythmic sustained involuntary muscular contraction (generally 5-8 Hz) evoked by sudden passive stretch of the muscle and tendon. Eliciting…
Explore more Clonus : Clinical Examination and MechanismApproach to Low Back Pain
Definition of Low Back Pain Low back pain (LBP) is defined as pain, muscle tension or stiffness localized below the costal margin and above the…
Explore more Approach to Low Back PainHead trauma fluid resuscitation
Peculiarities of cerebral circulation: 1. Brain and spinal cord is isolated from endothelium by BBB composed of continuous capillaries that limits movement of proteins and…
Explore more Head trauma fluid resuscitationFebrile Seizure : Clinical approach
A) General consideration: Febrile seizures are seizures during fever occuring between 6 months and 5 years of age in absence of: CNS infections Abnormal neurologic…
Explore more Febrile Seizure : Clinical approachPure Tone Audiogram and Interpretation
Relevant terms and definitions: 1. Pure tone: A single frequency sound 2. Audiometer: Equipment used to generate pure tones of varying frequency and loudness and…
Explore more Pure Tone Audiogram and InterpretationPathological reflexes – Variations of Babinski
Normally, the pathological reflexes are not evident because they are suppressed by cerebrum at brainstem or spinal cord level by 6 months of age. Importance:…
Explore more Pathological reflexes – Variations of Babinski