Synonyms: Courvoisier’s sign, Courvoisier syndrome, Courvoisier-Terrier sign, Bard-Pic disease Over years, the use of the term Courvoisier’s sign or gallbladder has been suggested instead of…
Explore more Courvoisier’s law of Obstructive JaundiceGastrointestinal system
Approach to a Child with Edema
Before beginning the clinical approach to a child with edema, it is necessary to understand the basics of fluid compartments, starling forces and technique of…
Explore more Approach to a Child with EdemaApplied Anatomy of Palatine Tonsils
Synonyms: Tonsils (Unless otherwise specified, tonsils usually refers to palatine tonsils), Faucial tonsils Definition: Almond shaped, ovoid mass of lymphoid tissue situated bilaterally in the…
Explore more Applied Anatomy of Palatine Tonsils