The average lifespan of platelets is 7 to 10 days. Aspirin and Clopidegrol inhibits platelets for around 21 days. Hence, when these agents are stopped…
Explore more Aspirin and Clopidegrol : Perioperative GuidelinesAnesthesia
Superficial Cervical Plexus Block : Mnemonic
This is a visual mnemonic for the nerve arrangement of superficial cervical cutaneous branches of cervical plexus. This mnemonic was created only for the ease…
Explore more Superficial Cervical Plexus Block : MnemonicBasics of Fluid therapy
A. Anatomy and Physiology of Body Fluid Compartments: Remember the “60-40-20” rule of body water. 1. Total body water: 60% (50-70%) of Total Body Weight…
Explore more Basics of Fluid therapy