Definition: Symptomatic inflammation of the lining mucosa of nose and paranasal sinuses. Uncomplicated rhinosinusitis is defined as rhinosinusitis without clinically evident extension of inflammation outside the…
Explore more Acute Rhinosinusitis (ARS) : Clinical GuidelinesPediatric Xrays : Test I
As you have already read Systematic way of Reading Chest Xrays and few other xray lessons in epomedicine classes. Here is you first Skill test. We…
Explore more Pediatric Xrays : Test IChest Xray – Approach to hilum
Hilum in human anatomy refers to the depression where structures such as blood vessels and nerves enter an organ. The structures contributing to hilar shadows…
Explore more Chest Xray – Approach to hilumChest X-ray – Pleural Effusion
Pleura is a mesothelial lined sac that envelopes the lungs and comprises of 2 membranous walls i.e. visceral pleura and parietal pleura that encloses pleural…
Explore more Chest X-ray – Pleural EffusionSkin signs of Dermatomyositis: Heliotrope rash, Grotton papules and Shawl sign
Dermatomyositis is a connective tissue disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of voluntary muscles and skin. It is more common in women and the age of…
Explore more Skin signs of Dermatomyositis: Heliotrope rash, Grotton papules and Shawl signChest X-ray: Alveolar vs Interstitial Disease
Interstitium is the scaffolding that supports the alveolar walls and surrounds both the alveoli and the terminal bronchioles. Neither alveoli nor interstitium is visible on…
Explore more Chest X-ray: Alveolar vs Interstitial DiseaseSystematic Approach to Frontal Chest X-ray
To make an appropriate diagnosis through a chest radiograph, it must be analyzed in a systematic manner. One of the common mistakes that students do…
Explore more Systematic Approach to Frontal Chest X-rayPathological reflexes – Variations of Babinski
Normally, the pathological reflexes are not evident because they are suppressed by cerebrum at brainstem or spinal cord level by 6 months of age. Importance:…
Explore more Pathological reflexes – Variations of Babinski