Pharmacokinetics Mnemonics

ADME is the 4-letter acronym used to describe pharmacokinetics:

  1. Absorption – Entering the body
  2. Distribution – Moving about the body
  3. Metabolism – Changing within the body
  4. Excretion – Leaving the body

ABCD is another 4-letter acronym used to describe pharmacokinetics:

  1. Administration – factor related to dosing and adherence
  2. Bioavailability – fraction of administered drug reaching systemic circulation
  3. Clearance – volume of plasma cleared of drug per unit time (active drug leaving the systemic circulation)
  4. Distribution – to the site(s) of action

The most important pharmacokinetic parameters from a dosing point of view are:

  1. The clearance (CL) – determines the maintenance dose-rate
  2. The volume of distribution (Vd) – determines the loading dose (LD)
  3. The half-life (t½) – determines the time to steady state and the dosing interval

Vd = Volume of distribution
D = Dose
Co = Concentration in plasma
CL = Clearance
kE = Elimination constant
t1/2 = Half life

pharmacokinetics equations

In the mnemonics below, equations can be created by inserting “=” after the 1st word and “/” before the last word.

Mnemonic: ViDeo = DOwnloader/CONverter

Vd = D/Co

Also, Loading dose = Vd X Concentration targeted

E.g. To achieve a target Cp of 1.5 µg/L for digoxin (Vd = 500 L) –

LD (µg) = 500 (L) X 1.5 (µg/L) = 750 µg

Mnemonic: ViDeo = CLear/KlEar

Vd = CL/kE

E.g. A 2,000 mg dose with a concentration of 600 mg/L has a clearance of 0.05 L/hr. What is the elimination rate constant (KE)?

Vd = CL/kE = 0.05/kE
Also, Vd = D/Co = 2000/600

i.e. 0.05/kE = 2000/600
kE = 0.05 X 600/2000 = 0.015 hr

VdCompartmentDrug types
LowIntravascularLarge/charged molecules; plasma protein bound
MediumECFSmall hydrophilic molecules
HighAll tissues including fatSmall lipophilic molecules, especially if bound to tissue protein
Liver and kidney disease increase Vd (decreased protein binding, increased Vd). Drugs may distribute in more than one compartment. Hemodialysis is most effective for drugs with a low Vd.

Mnemonic: HalfLife = Learnt To make ViDeo CLear

A very common assumption is that it takes about 5.5 half lives to completely clear a drug from the body. Steady state is a dynamic equilibrium in which drug concentration stays constant (ie, rate of drug
elimination = rate of drug administration).

t1/2 = ln(2) Vd/CL = 0.7 Vd/CL

E.g. In the above case, if we need to calculate t1/2 –

t1/2 = 0.7 X Vd/CL or 0.7/kE = 0.7/0.015 = 46.7 hr

Maintenance dose calculation:

Clearance of theophylline is 2.8 L/hr and Target concentration is 10 mg/L. What is the TDS maintenance dose?

Dosing rate = CL X Target concentration = 2.8 X 10 = 28 mg/hr

Maintenance dose = Dosing rate X Dosing interval = 28 X 8 = 224 mg

If the bio-availability is <1, divide by bioavailability (F). Suppose, if the bioavailability of theophylline is 0.8. Then,

Maintenance dose = 224/0.8 = 280 mg

In renal or liver disease, maintenance dose is decreased and loading dose is usually unchanged.

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