Slipped Capital Femoral Epiphysis (SCFE)

Below: Klein’s line
Southwick’s angle: Epiphyseal-shaft angle on lateral radiograph
- <30 degrees: mild
- 30-60 degrees: moderate
- >60 degrees: severe
Klein’s line: Line drawn along superior border of femoral neck (AP x-ray)
- In SCFE: will intersect less of the femoral head or not at all
Developmental Dysplasia of Hip (DDH)

Hilgenreiner’s line: Horizontal line through triradiate cartilage of acetabulum – femoral head ossification must be below this line
Perkin’s line: Vertical line (perpendicular to Hilgenreiner’s line) from the lateral margin of ossified acetabular roof – femoral head ossification must be medial to this line
Shenton’s line: Smooth curved line connecting medial border of femoral metaphysis with superior border of obturator foramen – arc line should be continuous
Acetabular index: Angle that acetabular line (drawn from acetabular surface) makes with Hilgenreiner’s line – should be <25 degrees in >6 months old
Center edge angle of Wiberg: Angle between vertical line from center of femoral head to and line between edge of acetabulum to center of femoral head – <20 degrees is considered abnormal (reliable only in >5 year old)
1. Femoral head is above Hilgenreiner’s line and lateral to Perkin’s line
2. Shenton’s line is broken
3. Acetabular index increased
4. Center edge angle of Wiberg decreased
Coxa Vara

Hilgenreiner-epiphyseal angel: Angle between Hilgenreiner’s line and a line drawn parallel to capital femoral epiphysis (Increased in Coxa Vara)
Neck-shaft angle: Normal is 127 degrees (<120 degrees is Coxa Vara)
Congenital Talipes Equinovarus (CTEV)

Kite’s angle (AP Talo-calcaneal angle): Angle between lines drawn down the axis of Talus and Calcaenus
- Normal: 20-40 degrees
- CTEV: <20 degrees
Talus-first metatarsal angle: Normal is 0-20 degrees (Negative in CTEV)
Calcaneal fracture

Bohler’s angle: Angle between line drawn from the highest point of anterior process of calcaneus to the highest point of posterior facet AND a line drawn tangentially from posterior facet highest point to tuberosity superior edge (normal is 20-40 degrees)
- Decreased in calcaneal fracture
Gissane’s angle: Angle formed by the downward and upward slopes of the calcaneal superior surface (normal is 120-145 degrees)
- Increased in calcaneal fracture
Ward’s Neutral triangle: The vast majority of calcaneus fracture lines propagate through a hypodense region of bone called Ward’s neutral triangle.
Supracondylar fracture of humerus

Bauman’s angle (Humero-capitellar angle): Angle between line parallel to longitudinal axis of humerus and line along lateral epiphysis (Normal 70-75 degrees; best to compare with contralateral side)

Anterior humeral line: Line drawn along anterior surface of humerus cortex must pass through the middle third of capitellum

Cobb’s angle: A scoliosis is defined as a lateral spinal curvature with a Cobb angle of 10° or more
Other angles, lines and indices
Singh’s index: Grading of osteoporosis by quantifying trabeculae in neck of femur
Ward’s triangle: Femoral neck
Babcock’s triangle: Femoral neck
Fairbank’s triangle: Congenital coxa vara, Perthes disease, Nonunion neck of femur
Pauwel’s angle: Neck of femur fracture
Meary’s angle and calcaneal pitch: Pes planus and cavus
Distal radial indices: Radial length, volar tilt, ulnar variance
Gilula lines: Congruent arcs in normal wrist X-rays
Matta’s roof arc angle: Acetabular fractures
Alpha angle: Femoro-acetabular impingement
Metaphyseal-Diaphyseal angle of Drennan: Blount’s disease