History Method of Eliciting Hoffmann’s Reflex Mechanism of Positive Hoffmann’s Reflex Sudden stretch of the finger flexors causes involuntary finger flexor contraction due to activation…
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Hoffmann’s Sign
Romberg test
Tests the function of: Posterior or Dorsal column which may be impaired in: Subacute combined degeneration (SCD) of spinal cord (Vitamin B12 deficiency) Posterior cord…
Explore more Romberg testDeep tendon reflexes
Deep tendon reflexes are monosynaptic reflexes integrated at lamina IX of the spinal cord. Deep tendon reflexes may be interpreted as: Normal Diminished or absent…
Explore more Deep tendon reflexesBeevor’s sign
Named after: Charles Edward Beevor Definition: Upward (Cephalad) movement of the umbilicus in a supine patient attempting either to flex the head onto the chest…
Explore more Beevor’s signTanner stages : Simplified with Mnemonics
Breast Development Mnemonic: ABCDE Stage 1 – Absent development Stage 2 – Breast bud Stage 3 – Common Contour (not separated) Stage 4 – Double…
Explore more Tanner stages : Simplified with MnemonicsModified Ashworth Scale for Spasticity : Mnemonic
Ashworth scale tests resistance to passive motion about a joint with varying degrees of velocity. Modified Ashworth Scale (Bohannon and Smith, 1987) has 1+ grading…
Explore more Modified Ashworth Scale for Spasticity : MnemonicSocial History : Mnemonics
Mnemonic: FED TACOS Food Exercise Drugs Tobacco Alcohol Caffeine Occupation Sexual history Reference and further reading: History and Physical Examination: A Common Sense Approach By…
Explore more Social History : MnemonicsMnemonic Based Approach to Joint Pain
Step 1: Arthralgia vs Arthritis Arthralgia Arthritis Symptom Diagnosis Joint pain without inflammation Joint pain with inflammation (swelling, redness, tenderness) Articular or Non-articular Articular Articular…
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