Have you been thinking about brightening your smile? Teeth whitening is a popular and accessible option to boost your confidence and enhance your appearance. In…
Explore more Your Ultimate Guide for a Sparkling SmileDental
Le Fort Fractures : Mnemonics
Le Fort fractures are the fractures that separate mid-face from the skull. Classification All of these subtypes involve a fracture of the pterygoid plate. LeFort…
Explore more Le Fort Fractures : MnemonicsA Detailed Discussion on Dental Implants and Turkey Teeth
Many people who have lost teeth find their quality of life significantly improved with dental implants. They are anchored to the jaw bone, provide full…
Explore more A Detailed Discussion on Dental Implants and Turkey TeethASA Classification: Made Easy
The purpose of the system is to assess and communicate a patient’s pre-anesthesia medical co-morbidities. The classification system alone does not predict the perioperative risks,…
Explore more ASA Classification: Made EasyWhere, When, How and Now What? Congenitally missing teeth
1st published in Pedchrome on February 5, 2015. The perfect smile on a parent’s face rotates to a frown when they are informed that their…
Explore more Where, When, How and Now What? Congenitally missing teethCooperation for Improvement of Oral Health in Children in Nepal
1st Published in Pedchrome on November 8, 2014. Childhood is considered the golden period of life, but it is also a phase when diseases are…
Explore more Cooperation for Improvement of Oral Health in Children in Nepal10 Causes of Periodontitis That Go Beyond Bad Oral Hygiene
Sometimes, in my line of work as a dentist, I have to break the bad news to patients regarding the state of their teeth and…
Explore more 10 Causes of Periodontitis That Go Beyond Bad Oral HygieneDo You Have Bad Breath? Here Are Some Possible Reasons
Do you ever feel self-conscious about your breath? Do you wonder if people might be able to smell your mouth when you speak? If you’ve…
Explore more Do You Have Bad Breath? Here Are Some Possible Reasons