Thyroid Eye Signs : Mnemonics


Mnemonic: NO SPECS

0No eye signs or symptoms
1Only signs of hyperthyroidismLid lag, Lid retraction
2Soft tissue swellingPeriorbital edema; red, itchy eye
4Extraocular muscle involvementOften results in diplopia; pain especially on upgaze
5Corneal involvementGenerally a consequence of severe proptosis with failure to protect the cornea
6Sight loss due to compressive optic neuropathyRefer urgently to an ophthalmologist skilled in Grave’s disease
Thyroid eye signs
Singh, Pallavi. (2019). Eponymous Signs of Thyroid Ophthalmopathy. Delhi Journal of Ophthalmology. 30. 10.7869/djo.493.

Eye signs in Grave’s disease

daLRymple’s sign: Lid Retraction

STelwagg’s sign: Staring (infrequent blinking)

von GRaefe sign: Lid lag on looking towards GRound (down gaze)

jofFROy sign: absent FROwning on superior gaze

MObius sign: Unable to MOve eyes inward (converge eyes)

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