Various types of surgical site infection (SSI) have been defined by CDC.
Patient related factors
Mnemonic: WASHING
1. Weight: Obesity (>20% of ideal body weight)
2. Antibiotic resistant skin flora: MRSA colonization
3. Advancing age
4. Smoking
5. HIV and other immune deficiency conditions
6. Infection coexisting at other sites (UTI, remote site infection)
7. Nutritional status: Malnutrition (<15% BMI, hypoalbuminemia)
8. Glycemic control: Diabetes
Perioperative factors
Mnemonic: OPERATE
1. Operating surgeon
2. Part Preparation
3. Environment
4. Resistant microbials
5. Antibiotic prophylaxis
6. Time of operation & Tissue trauma
7. External items (foreign body in wound like drains)