Levels of Disease Prevention : Mnemonic

LevelMnemonicTarget populationGoalsMode of intervention
PrimordialPrevent risk factorsGeneral populationPrevent emergence of risk factorsHealth education
Health promotion
PrimaryPrevent diseaseGeneral populationPrevent disease onsetLifestyle modification
SecondaryScreeningSubclinical (asymptomatic)Prevent symptom onsetEarly diagnosis
Prompt optimized & sustained care
TertiaryTreatmentClinical (symptomatic)Prevent clinical disease progression & complicationsRehabilitation
Disability prevention
QuarterneryQuit unnecessary treatmentSymptomatic patients but overmedicalized or not treatablePrevent overtreatment & iatrogenic harmRehabilitation
Disability prevention
level of prevention
Dutta, Deep & Arora, Varun & Dhingra, Atul & Das, Ashok & Fariduddin, Md & Shaikh, Khalid & Priya, Gagan & Shah, P & Rehim, A & John, Mathew & Shaikh, Shehla & Orabi, A & Saraswati, Made & Selim, Shahjada & Baruah, Manash & Gangopadhyay, Kalyan & Langi, Yuanita & Nair, Tiny & Dhanwal, Dinesh & Kalra, Sanjay. (2021). Quinary prevention in diabetes care: Need for multidisciplinary approach. Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health. 11. 10.1016/j.cegh.2021.100757. [CC BY-NC-ND]


For Diabetes mellitus:

  1. Primordial prevention: Health education about diabetes mellitus
  2. Primary prevention: Healthy diet and exercise to prevent diabetes onset in future
  3. Secondary prevention: Glucose screening for type 2 diabetes mellitus
  4. Tertiary prevention: Use medications to treat previously diagnosed diabetes
  5. Quarternery prevention: Discontinue sulfonylurea after multiple hypoglycemic episodes

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