Endomeatal (Transcanal or Transmeatal) Approach:
- Not used commonly in children owing to relatively small ear canal
- This incision is used when the mesotympanum and hypotympanum are the surgical sites
- A posterior tympanomeatal flap is raised to enter into the middle ear. The flap includes skin over the medial two-thirds of the bony external auditory canal.

- Exploratory tympanotomy
- Underlay or Inlay myringoplasty
- Ossiculoplasty (Ossicular reconstruction)
- Stapedotomy and Stapedectomy (Otosclerosis surgeries)
Endaural Approach (Lempert or Heerman incision):
- Commonly used in infants and young children
- Accessibility of epitympanum and postero-superior part of mesotympanum
- Temporalis fascia graft can be easily obtained
- Excision of osteomas and exostoses of ear canal
- Large tympanic membrane perforation
- Atticoantrotomy for Attic cholesteatomas
- Modified radical mastoidectomy
Postaural Approach (Wilde’s incision):
In children, the incision is shorter and horizontal to avoid injury to the facial nerve as mastoid is not well developed and the stylomastoid foramen (from where facial nerve emerges) lies superficially
- Cortical mastoidectomy
- Modified radical and radical mastoidectomy
- Tympanoplasty (when perforation extends anterior to handle of malleus)
- Decompression of facial nerve
- Endolymphatic sac surgery