Strawberry in Medicine

Strawberry in past has been mentioned in medicinal uses. This garden fruit is eponymoous to several important clinical signs in medicine. The list below is not a new one but a recompilation.


Strawberry tongue: Surface of the tongue is coated with a thick white fur, through which protrude bright red papillae (hyperplastic fungiform papillae).

  1. Scarlet fever
  2. Kawasaki disease
  3. Toxic shock syndrome

strawberry tongue

Strawberry gums (gingivitis): Reddish-purple exophytic gingival swellings with petechial haemorrhages thus resembling strawberries

  • Most characteristic oral lesion of Wegner’s granulomatosis

strawberry gums

Strawberry skull: Flattening of occiput and pointing of frontal bones giving resemblance to a shape of strawberry in antenatal ultrasonography.

  • Trisomy 18 (Edward’s syndrome)
strawberry skull

Strawberry hemangioma or nevus: Bright red and sticks out of the skin, so it does look a little bit like a strawberry.

  • Superficial infantile hemangioma (Capillary hemangioma)

strawberry hemangioma

Strawberry-like mullbery mass in nose:  Friable, vascular polyp, which may be pedunculated or sessile and the surface is studded with tiny white dots from spores beneath the epithelium.

  • Rhinosporidiosis

strawberry nasal mass

Strawberry skin (Strawberry like nasal mucosa): Tiny pale granulomas dotted about on the reddened mucosa.

  • Sarcoidosis

Strawberry gallbladder: Brick red mucosa of gallbladder speckled with bright yellow nodules (lipid and cholesterol).

Strawberry gallbladder

Strawberry cervix: Microscopic, multiple punctate haemorrhages of the cervix.

  • Trichomoniasis (Trichomonas vaginalis)

strawberry cervix

Strawberry lesions in sigmoidoscopy: Borrelia vincenti

Is strawberry still your favorite fruit? Please comment below.

One Viewpoint 💬 on “Strawberry in Medicine”

  1. When will someone explain “strawberry” in a baseball context? If a player slid into the base, he would often develop a “strawberry” on his upper thigh or lower buttock….especially if he wasn’t wearing sliding pads. Obviously, the injury was an abrasion, but it often developed into something more like a wart or mole, with a distinctive strawberry-like (or raspberry) surface and colour.
    I’ve searched Google, without success. Ask any baseball player older than 60 and you will learn about strawberries. Yesterday, 30 July/23, on the TV broadcast of the Toronto Blue Jays/California Angels game, announcer Buck Martinez (who has been around baseball for 65 years) used the term after Mark Chapman had slid (slidden?) into 3rd base.

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