Kratom has become very popular in health areas recently, but more interest brings many questions – especially about dosage. How much is too much? What…
Explore more How Much Kratom to Take: Dosage and Effects ExplainedAuthor: Epomedicine
An Introduction to Safe and Natural Relaxation Aids
Natural and safe relaxing methods are sought to improve mental and physical health in today’s fast-paced world of stress. Many natural relaxation products offer unique…
Explore more An Introduction to Safe and Natural Relaxation AidsFelty Syndrome : Mnemonics
Felty syndrome is a triad of: Mnemonic #1: SANTA Mnemonic #2: FAULTS
Explore more Felty Syndrome : MnemonicsTools to Prevent Foodborne Illness in Your Kitchen
Let’s face it—nobody wants to deal with foodborne illness, especially when it could’ve been avoided with just a few small changes in the kitchen. The…
Explore more Tools to Prevent Foodborne Illness in Your KitchenFabry Disease : Mnemonic
Mnemonic: FABRY CX 1. Febrile episodes, Foam cells 2. Angiokeratomas, Alpha galactosidase A deficiency 3. Burning pains in hands and feet 4. Renal failure 5.…
Explore more Fabry Disease : MnemonicTay Sach’s Disease : Mnemonic
Mnemonic: SACHS GO 1. Spots in macula (Cherry red spots) 2. Ashkenazic jews 3. CNS degeneration 4. Hexosaminidase A enzyme deficiency 5. Storage disorder 6.…
Explore more Tay Sach’s Disease : MnemonicRetatrutide Peptide: A Multifaceted Tool in Metabolic and Cellular Research
Studies suggest that Retatrutide is an emerging peptide of considerable interest in the domain of metabolic research due to its complex pharmacological profile. Research indicates…
Explore more Retatrutide Peptide: A Multifaceted Tool in Metabolic and Cellular ResearchAntidepressants : Mnemonics
Classification and Mechanism of Action Acronyms: Mnemonic: TRIM 3N 3S Class Mechanism Drugs Side effects TCA Blocks reuptake of 5-HT, NA & other receptors (H1,…
Explore more Antidepressants : Mnemonics