Mnemonic: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
0 : Attachments of muscles and tendons
1 : Sinus and Canal
- sinus tarsi – a space bordered by the neck of the talus and anterosuperior aspect of the calcaneus; contains –
- Artery of sinus tarsi
- Talocalcaneal interosseous ligament
- Cervical ligament
- tarsal canal – medial opening to sinus tarsi; contains –
- Artery of tarsal canal
- Talocalcaneal interosseous ligament
2 : Processes and Tubercles
- Lateral process: 2 attachments –
- lateral talocalcaenal ligament
- ATFL (anterior talo-fibular ligament)
- Fracture = “snowboarder’s” fracture
- Posterior process: FHL tendon runs between the 2 tubercles
- Medial tubercle
- Lateral tubercle:
- Stieda process: elongated anatomical variant
- Os trigonum: non-fusion of ossification center
3 : Parts
- Head
- Neck
- Body
4 : Blood vessels:
- Posterior tibial artery:
- Artery of tarsal canal (most important): supplies most talar body
- Calcaneal branches: supplies posterior talus
- Anterior tibial artery: supplies head and neck
- Perforating peroneal arteries
- Artery of tarsal sinus: supplies head and neck
- Deltoid artery: supplies body (important in talar neck fracture)
5 : Articulating surfaces
- 2 on head:
- with navicular
- with calcaneus (anterior facet)
- 2 on body:
- with calcaneus (middle facet)
- with calcaneus (posterior facet)
- 1 on lateral process:
- with lateral malleolus