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JVP Mnemonics

Jugular venous pulse (JVP) waveforms

  1. a – Atrial contraction (RA)
  2. c – Closure and Curving of tricuspid valve into RA
  3. x – atrial relaXation
  4. v – Venous filling of right atrium (RA)
  5. y – atrial emptYing
jvp pericarditis tamponade

Distinguishing JVP from Internal carotid pulsation

Mnemonic: POLICE

  1. Palpation: Non-palpable
  2. Occlussion: Readily occludable
  3. Location: Between 2 heads of sternocleidomastoid, lateral to carotid
  4. Inspiration: Drops with inspiration
  5. Contour: Biphasic waveform
  6. Erect position: Drops when sitting erect

Abnormal JVP waveforms

Prominent “a” wave: Pressure of atria peaked

  1. Tricuspid stenosis
  2. Pulmonary hypertension

Cannon “a” wave: Contraction of atria against closed tricuspid valve

  1. Complete heart block
  2. Junctional rhythm

“a” wave fallen (absent): Atrial fibrillation

Large “v” wave: Vomit (backflow) of blood in right atrium

  1. Tricuspid regurgitation

PaY TaX:

  1. Sharp “y” descent: Constrictive pericarditis (Frierdrich’s sign)
  2. Sharp “x” descent: Tamponade and Constrictive pericarditis

Slow “y” descent”: Slow emptYing of RA

  1. Tricuspid stenosis
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