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Antidepressants : Mnemonics

antidepressant side effects

Classification and Mechanism of Action


  1. TCA = Tricyclic Antidepressant
  2. RIMA = Reversible Inhibitor of MAO-A
  3. MASSA = Meltonergic Agonist and Selective Serotonergic Antagonist
  4. NDRI = Noradrenaline and Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitor
  5. NASSA = Noradrenergic and Selective Serotonergic Antagonist
  6. NARI = Noradrenergic Reuptake Inhibitor
  7. SSRI = Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor
  8. SNRI = Serotonin & Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitor
  9. SARI = Serotonin Antagonist and Reuptake Inhibitor
  10. NA = Noradrenaline
  11. 5-HT = Serotonine
  12. D = Dopamine
  13. M = Muscarinic
  14. α1 = Alpha-1 adrenergic
  15. H = Histamine
  16. ADR = Adverse Drug Reaction

Mnemonic: TRIM 3N 3S

ClassMechanismDrugsSide effects
TCABlocks reuptake of 5-HT, NA & other receptors (H1, ACh, α1, Voltage sensitive Na+ channel)Mnemonic: ANTI-DeP-C
1. Amitryptiline, Amoxapine
2. Nortryptiline
3. Trimipramine
4. Imipramine
5. Doxepin, Desipramine, Dothiepin
6. Protryptiline
7. Clomipramine
M1 blockade: Muscarinic anticholinergic side-effects

α1 blockade: Orthostatic hypotension

H1 blockade: Weight gain, Sedation

Na+ channel blockade: Arrhythmias, Seizures
RIMASelectively & Reversibly inhibits MAO-A & prevent breakdown of 5-HT, NAMoclobemideSerotonin syndrome

Hypertensive crisis
Irreversible MAO InhibitorsIrreversible inhibitor (2 weeks required for enzyme to regenerate) of MAO-A (targets 5-HT & NA) &/or MAO-B (targets D) & prevent breakdown of 5-HT, NA, DNon-selective: Tranylcypromine, Phenelzine

Selective MAO-B: Selegiline
Higher risk of: Agitation, Orthostatic hypotension, Weight gain, Sexual dysfunction, Serotonin syndrome, Hypertensive crisis
Modulator & stimulator of 5-HTInhibits 5-HT reuptake
5-HT1B partial agonist
5-HT3, 5-HT7 & 5-HT1D antagonist
VortioxetineIncreased nasopharyngitis
MASSAMelatonergic Agonist (regulates ciracadian rhythm) + Selective serotonin (5-HT2B and 5-HT2C) antagonist (increase release of NA & D)AgomelatineIncreased liver enzymes
NDRIInhibits reuptake of NA & D (D>NA)Bupropion (Useful for smoking cessation)Fewer ADR than TCAs or SSRIs
NaSSANA (α2 antagonism = increased NA release) + Specific Serotonin Antagonist (5-HT2 & 5-HT3 = enhanced 5-HT1 pathway)Mirtazapine
5-HT2C & H1 blockade: Weight gain

5-HT2A & H1 blockade: Sedation
NARISelective NA reuptake inhibitionReboxetine
Adrenergic excess (Awake, Anxious, Agitated)
SSRISelective 5-HT reuptake inhibitionFluoxetine (longest acting SSRI)
No adverse effects of TCAs.

GI symptoms, Headache, Insomnia, Sexual dysfunction
SNRI5-HT, NA (& D) reuptake inhibitionVenlafaxine
Mnemonic: SHAT
2. Hypertension
3. Adrenergic effects (awake, anxious, agitated)
4. Tachycardia
SARI5-HT2A antagonist (reduces anxiety, insomnia, myoclonus) + 5-HT reuptake inhibitorTrazodoneα1 blockade: Orthostatic hypotension, Priapism

H1 blockade: Sedation

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