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ALI and ARDS : Mnemonics

Diagnosis (Berlin Criteria)

Acute Lung Injury (ALI)Acute onset (<7 days)Ratio PaO2/FiO2 ≤300 mmHg or 40 kPaDiffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on CXRSwan-Ganz pulmonary wedge pressure ≤18 mmHg or No evidence of Left atrial hypertension
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)Acute onset (<7 days)Ratio PaO2/FiO2 ≤200 mmHg or 26.6 kPaDiffuse bilateral pulmonary infiltrates on CXRSwan-Ganz pulmonary wedge pressure ≤18 mmHg or No evidence of Left atrial hypertension

Causes of ALI and ARDS

  1. A
    • Aspiration pneumonia
    • Air embolism
    • Amniotic fluid embolism
  2. R
    • Radiation-Trauma-Burns
  3. D
    • DIC
    • Drugs (chemotherapy, heroin)
    • near Drowning
    • Dialysis
    • Dysregulation of metabolic pathways (pancreatitis, uremia, ingestion of paraquat)
  4. S
    • Shock
    • Sepsis
    • Smoke inhalation

Phases of ALI and ARDS

Bakowitz, Magdalena & Bruns, Brandon & McCunn, Maureen. (2012). Acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome in the injured patient. Scandinavian journal of trauma, resuscitation and emergency medicine. 20. 54. 10.1186/1757-7241-20-54. [CC BY-SA 4.0.]
Phase (Mnemonic: EPF)OnsetEventPathologyTreatment principles
1. Exudative<1 weekIL-1 & other inflammatory mediatorsInterstitial alveolar edema
Hyaline membrane
1. Primarily supportive
2. Treatment of cause
3. PEEP ventilation
4. Inverse ventilation (Inspiration : Expiration ratio = 2:1)
5. Prone ventilation
2. Proliferative1-3 weeksType II pneumocyte + myofibroblast proliferationAlveolar exudate resolves or organizesInhaled NO (Vasodilation may improve V/Q at ventilated areas)
3. Fibrotic>3 weeksCollagen III to I conversionAlveolar ducts & spaces undergo fibrosisSteroids
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