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Thoracic Diaphragm : Mnemonics


Mnemonic: Several Parts Build Diaphragm

Embryonic componentsParts of Diaphragm
1. Septum transversumTendinous portion (Central tendon)
2. Pleuroperitoneal foldsMuscular portion
3. Body wall musclesMuscular portion
4. Dorsal mesentery of esophagusCrura

3 Major Openings of Diaphragm

1. I Eat Apples 8, 10, 12 or
2. Voice Of America 8, 10, 12

LevelLocationMain structureMnemonicOther structures
T8Central tendon (right of median plane)Inferior VenacavaRight phrenic nerve
T10Muscular portion (left of median plane)OEsophagusThree goosesRight vagoose, Left vagoose (along with esophagoose)
T12Behind median arcuate ligament (in median plane)AortaAnd A DuckAzygous vein, thoracic Duct (along with Aorta)
OpenStax, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Innervation of Diaphragm

Mnemonic: C3, 4, 5 keeps the diaphragm alive

Phrenic nerve (C3-5):

Sensory supply to peripheral portion of diaphragm is from intercostal nerves (T7-T12).

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