Anterior: 3 “M”
- Mandible ramus
- Medial pterygoid (medially)
- Masseter (laterally)
Posterior: Mastoid and attachments
- Mastoid
- Posterior belly of Digastric
Medial (Parotid bed): VANS
- 1 Vein (IJV)
- Deep in floor of parotid bed
- 2 Arteries (ECA and ICA)
- Anterior to vein
- 4 Nerves (last 4 cranial nerves, i.e., CN IX, X, XI, XII)
- CN IX (related to “S” muscles)
- CN X (between ICA and IJV)
- CN XI and XII (superficial to carotid sheath but proceeding downward behind the posterior belly of digastric muscle)
- 4″S” structures (Styloid process with 3 “S” muscles) –
- Styloglossus
- Stylopharyngeus
- Stylohyoid
Structures traversing the parotid gland
Mnemonic: FACER
- Facial nerve and terminal branches
- Auriculotemporal nerve (CN V3)
- Carotid artery – External (provides arterial supply)
- Retromandibular vein (provides venous drainage)
Parotid gland innervation
1. Parasympathetic: Secretomotor (from Otic ganglion) – Serous, water rich saliva
Mnemonic: PAR–O–T–Id G–L–And
PARotid gland ← Auriculotemporal nerve ← Otic ganglion ← Lesser petrosal nerve ← Tympanic plexus ← Glossopharyngeal nerve ← Inferior salivatory nucleus
Another mnemonic is: IT has Lesser Options Anywhere
- Inferior salivatory nucleus
- Tympanic branch of CN IX
- Lesser petrosal nerve
- Otic ganglion
- Auriculotemporal nerve
2. Sympathetic: Superior cervical ganglion – Enzyme rich saliva
3. Sensory: Greater auricular nerve