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Lumbosacral Plexus Simplified

While everyone is busy talking about the brachial plexus – lumbosacral plexus (the origin of nerves that supplies everything below the umbilicus) seems to be bit under-rated.

Formation of Lumbosacral Plexus

Ventral rami of L1-S4; has 2 components –

  1. Lumbar plexus (L1-L4) – forms within psoas major anterior to lumbar transverse process
  2. Sacral plexus (L4-S4) – forms anterior to piriformis muscle

Only in the lumb0sacral plexus, these anterior rami further divide into 2 divisions – 1 anterior and 1 posterior except:

  1. L4: Splits into 4 divisions – 2 anterior and 2 posterior
  2. S3: Doesn’t divide

Lumbar Plexus

Formed from ventral rami of L1-L4.

Course: The nerves of the lumbar plexus exit the spine just anterior to the quadratus lumborum muscle and travel without and within the psoas muscle.

2 nerves with single root value: L1

1. Iliohypogastric nerve: Pierces the internal oblique muscle and runs between the internal and external oblique.

2. Ilioinguinal nerve: Runs just inferior to iliohypogastric nerve, between transverse abdominis and internal oblique muscles.

2 nerves with double root values

L1, L2: Genitofemoral nerve

L2,L3: Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve

2 nerves with triple root values: L2, L3, L4

1. Anterior division: Obturator nerve

2. Posterior division: Femoral nerve

A mnemonic is very popular: I Got Lunch (Laid) On Friday. Remember the progression of the lumbar root values:

  • 1 – Ilioinguinal and Iliohypogastric nerves
  • 1,2 – Genitofemoral nerve
  • 2,3 – Lateral femoral cutaneous nerve
  • 2,3,4 – Obturator and Femoral nerve

Sacral Plexus

Formed from ventral rami of L4-S4; Contribution of L4-L5 is from Lumbosacral trunk.

The nerves forming the sacral plexus converge towards the lower part of the greater sciatic foramen and unite to form a flattened band. The branches of the sacral plexus arise from anterior and posterior surfaces of this flattened band.

6 Branches Prior to Division of Sacral Roots

Mnemonic: All of these start with the letter “P”.

  1. S1,S2: Nerve to Piriformis
  2. S2, S3: Perforating cutaneous nerve – to medial part of buttock
  3. S1,S2,S3: Posterior femoral cutaenous nerve – To buttock and uppermost medial and posterior surfaces of thigh
  4. S2,S3,S4:
    • Pudendal nerve – leaves the pelvis through greater sciatic foramen but re-enters through lesser sciatic foramen and enters the pudendal or alcock’s canal (a fascial canal formed by splitting of obturator fascia on lateral wall of ischiorectal fossa).
      • Inferior rectal nerve: Perianal skin and External anal sphincter
      • Dorsal nerve of penis or clitoris: Accompanies dorsal artery of penis and clitoris and supplies skin of penis or clitoris and labia majora.
      • Perineal nerve: Superficial and Deep perineal muscles and External urethral sphincter
    • Parasympathetic pelvic splanchnic nerves (nervi erigentes) – Ascend to join inferior hypogastric plexus and together supply pelvic viscera.
  5. S4: Perineal branch of Pudendal nerve

Mnemonic: Branches of Pudendal nerve – PID (Remember – Pelvic Inflammatory Disease or PID can cause Pudendal neuralgia).

  • Perineal nerve
  • Inferior rectal nerve
  • Dorsal nerve of penis or clitoris

In general, it supplies structures of perineum, is sensory to genitalia and gives muscular branches to perineal muscles, external urethral and anal sphincters (both are voluntary).

Another mnemonic: All these nerves arise from S1-S4 and have a vowel second latter after “P”. It progresses serially – except that the “e” and “i” are interchanged – so the sequence becomes a, i, e, o, u.

After Giving Anterior and Posterior Divisions

Here’s a great mnemonic video that assigns spinal levels to various nerves of sacral plexus.

 Anterior DivisionPosterior Division
L4-S1 (1st 3)Nerve to Quadratus femoris and Inferior gemellusSuperior gluteal nerve


  • Gluteus minimus
  • Gluteus medius
  • Tensor fascia lata
L5-S2 (2nd 3)Nerve to Obturator internus and Superior gemellusInferior gluteal nerve


  • Gluteus maximus
L4-S2 (All except S3 and S4) Common peroneal (fibular) portion of Sciatic nerve


  • Leaves popliteal fossa and turns around the lateral aspect of neck of fibula (dangerous position) and divides into superficial peroneal and deep peroneal (anterior tibial) nerve.
  • Superficial peroneal nerve supplies lateral compartment of leg.
    • Peroneal muscules
  • Deep peroneal nerve supplies anterior compartment of leg.
    • Anterior tibialis
    • Toe extensors
L4-S3 (All except S4)Tibial portion of sciatic nerve


  • Descends through popliteal fossa to the posterior compartment of leg.
    • Popliteus
    • Ankle plantar flexors
    • Tibialis posterior
  • Passes behind medial malleolus (deep to flexor retinaculum) to reach sole of foot through medial and lateral plantar nerves.
    • Foot intrinsic muscles
    • Toe flexors

Sciatic nerve course:

a. Plexus: Largest branch of lumbosacral plexus (fromed from ventral rami of L4-S3)

b. Pelvis to Posterior gluteal region: Via greater sciatic foramen

c. Piriformis: Passes deep (anterior) to Piriformis (85% cases) and superficial to short external rotators

d. Posterior thigh:

e. Popilteal fossa: At the apex of popliteal fossa, divides into:

  1. Peroneal nerve
    • Wraps around the neck of fibula
    • Divides into: Superficial peroneal nerve (supplies lateral compartment of leg) and Deep peroneal nerve or anterior tibial nerve (supplies anterior compartment of leg)
  2. Posterior tibial nerve
    • Runs between superficial (triceps surae) and deep flexor compartment and supplies them
    • Passes posterior to medial malleolus and divides into: medial (supply medial muscle group of foot except adductor hallucis and central muscle group) and lateral plantar nerves

Sural nerve: It is formed by communication by sural communicating branches between the:

From the mid calf down to the ankle the nerve courses subcutaneously along a line drawn from the mid-posterior popliteal fossa to just posterior to the lateral malleolus and thence under the malleolus and forward along the lateral aspect of the foot. It is purely sensory in function – supplies lateral foot and lateral lower ankle.

Lumbosacral Plexopathies or Lumbosacral Syndromes

Patterns of weakness usually help localize the “lesion” to a more specific area within the plexus. 1. Lumbar plexus lesions: weakness of hip flexion and adduction and/or knee extension.

2. Lumbosacral trunk and upper sacral plexus lesions: foot drop (flail foot), and weakness of knee flexion or hip abduction.

Patterns of sensory disturbance are less reliable given the difficult clinical delineation between dermatomal and named nerve sensory loss. In general, sensory disturbance involving:

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